2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Right… but you’re getting a sample of extremely online types there. It’s like how a Twitter straw poll would have massive Warren support.

Extremely online people on Reddit that survived the various trump purges on reddit

That’s true, but it’s not the only data point. I assure you I haven’t come to this conclusion solely by reading one subreddit. There’s other evidence that DeSantis seems to be generally popular among Repubs. It is the prevailing wisdom here as well.

Interesting that libertarians have the exact same list of enemies as MAGA republicans. :thinking:


And noted leftist civil rights advocate Glenn Greenwald. So weird!

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Most leftists hate all those people too. I mean … Who on that list does anyone on UP even like? Definitely worse people in the world (Murdoch, Trump come immediately to mind) but I wouldn’t shed tears at any of those funerals.




r/ conservative really is delivering

I’m now in the middle of a thread where they’re deriving “You know, election day really should be a holiday.” from first principles.


this fucking guy


Part of this is people just don’t believe republicans. Everyone sees it’s more than 50% performance art.

Republicans will definitely be all over this after this whole cycle. This whole make voting convenient and let the people decide thing is NOT working out for them in Arizona. If Lake wins and they have the trifecta (they would, right?), mail-in voting could end there, period.

In Canada you can drop of mail in ballots on election day and we still have results that day.

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Watching the attempted pivot away from trump by the online right is really, really enjoyable. Good luck guys!

Not sure exactly what this means but the extremist lunatic Finchem lost the Secretary of State contest. A democrat will be in charge of running the elections in 2024.

Also, I’m pretty sure the proposition to create a Lt. Gov. passed so this will change the equation somewhat going forward.

Can’t the legislature and the governor pass a state law banning mail-in voting?

That’s terrific! All Republicans who want same day results should move to Canada!

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