2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

It’s more complicated than that. People live in a fantasy ‘as seen on tv’ world where Musk and Trump are geniuses and the police are heroes who selflessly risk their lives for the greater good. I’m running into this wall trying to discuss the issues with olds and youngs. People are fucking stupid and their egos are tied to their beliefs. It frustrates the shit out of me and I doubt the effort to deprogram these mouth breathers is worth it.

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I think it’s generally white plus indigenous. For a hundred years Spanish men came over seeking fortune and took indigenous brides. Then those children became the colonial bourgeoise. It’s not like in the US where religious freedom seekers came over with their wives and just killed all the Indians they came across.

And I’m pretty sure pure indigenous is the bottom of the totem pole, just like in the US and Canada.






After 12 years those congresspeople need to have lined up a new job. Where could that possibly be? Maybe in one the companies they are supposed to regulate? That wouldn’t be an incentive to do their bidding while in congress, would it?


great line. could have thrown in knowing something about going to space too, even if it appeared egregious in that moment

i respect that, but i still think it’s a good thing, because it’s the closest thing to Hamsterdam in decades. nypd pulled the same stunt under different mayors, and it backfired on them at the time because crime rates went down. so nypd affiliated political groups are not going to make the same mistake, they are going to do it in a way that reports an increase. but at the end of the day, i would rather law enforcement policed a lot less and arrested fewer people than they have, and i hope progressives run with that message.

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They fucked around, they found out.



I’ll take your word for in on Mexico, but for the US, I don’t think that we can categorically say that indigenous is lower on the totem pole (nice, BTW) than black. I think it’s regional and it depends on which racist you ask.

Wait, l thought the bottom of the totem pole was more prestigious.

So what are the 28, 58, and 66 neighborhoods like?

It looks like you’re kind of right. From wikipedia




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Exactly. Definitely worried about some of the close CA races

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On the one hand, I get why a rational pro-choice voter would vote for a pro-lifer if they are not actually afraid of losing the right. Nevertheless, I think that there ought to be some things so offensive as to be disqualifying.

Like if someone was running on universal health care, taxing the shit out of corporations, really going hard core on climate change and along with that proposed that we go back to enslaving black people, then fuck that guy.

Obviously the real choice faced by these voters isn’t that stark. Maybe it’s just privilege that I can ignore things like inflation and place importance on human rights.



Assuming this is not a Republican, I’m still voting for this person over any Republican.

How’s AZ Governor looking? Been slammed at work and can’t kee up.