2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

The problem is that if you’re constantly courting the median voter you can never drive real, transformative change. It’s entirely reactive. You demoralize your base and essentially adopt your opponents (incorrect and immoral) framing. Also when have democrats actually implemented the “court the median voter who is some idiot in the exburbs of Pittsburgh but pass all the actually good policy once we win?” Never! Literally never.

Would have failed with Hitler and Napoleon.

Latin America has had a pretty rigid caste system going back to early colonial days:

  1. Pure Spanish blood
  2. Mestizo
  3. African
  4. Indigenous
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I think in a lot of cultures w/o the slavery tradition of the US, the racism is a lot more casual and w/o quite as much menace. It seems that way at least to me as an outsider in Latin America. Not that Latin America didn’t have slavery. But for the most part none of the pure Spanish perpetrators are still around.

I’ve worked with lots of people of Indian descent, born in the US and born in India. Any of them I’ve ever asked about it told me their parents would disown them if they married someone from another caste. Although TBF one of them is now marrying an Asian guy. I think her parents just completely gave up on her after she turned 40, and are happy with anything now.

Also TBF the reality is old Chinese ladies are getting cold-cocked in the street right now, mostly by black men, for reasons I don’t understand at all (because the media aint touching that shit with a 10’ pole). So they might have some reason to be nervous if this is the kind of thing that comes in waves every few decades or something.

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What a ridiculous self-own that would be, sure let’s kill the incumbent advantage for a good handful of our congressmen/senators in a spot where the margins are razor-thin. Sure you get rid of some fossils but at what cost?

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Yeah that’s fucking ridiculous, and makes me question how well-thought out the rest of the items are.

It’s voluntary, so it would never happen. But (in theory) it would sound good to some voters now.

@anon38180840 any reasonable estimate on what the final overall house vote will be? I’m getting tired of the R+4 or 5 or whatever narratives when we know there are tons of Cali D votes outstanding.


You can see in that map how TN managed to gerrymander Nashville so that the only blue district remaining in the state is Memphis

This is reasonable but rough. There are probably ballpark 5M votes left in CA, 600K in WA, 185K in OR, 500K in AZ. That’s based on CNN’s estimates of how much of the vote is in.

So there are like 6.3M votes left to count. Say Dems take it 2-to-1 which seems not crazy but I haven’t done any math, I’m just guessing and keeping the math simple. That’s 2.1M votes of margin gained. They also appear to be not counting Alaska or Maine yet, let’s call that 50K more. There’s still mail-ins being counted in other states, so fuck it we’ll round up to 2.5M.

That gets the gap down to 3M, which would be about a 2.9% deficit.


This guy knows his shit.

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This is the exactly what I was saying. CA may not be as great for Ds as we expect.

Also the NYPD has basically stopped doing law enforcement in protest of the liberal DA

To the extent this is true, is it a

  • Good thing
  • Bad thing

0 voters



Goddamn good sound bite


I would have guessed 3&4 were reversed.

How are we defining Mestizo? Is it white plus indigenous or are there any other combos that get you there?

Sure, it’s bait, but I took it.

It’s also showing the difference in the way I look at electoral politics. On the surface to progressives, ACAB and it’s good yeah, i get it.

It is bad because it will cause dumbass voters (the vast majority) to think that democrats being in power causes more crime, thus causing them to not vote for as many democrats. Which will then lead to even worse outcomes for society down the line.

Of course, by just saying it’s bad with no explanation, it will cause other people here to think I love cops and I’m some kind of centrist when really I just spent an entire election cycle with my candidate, a former cop and prosecutor, getting hammered by the right for wanting to increase crime. I know of that which I speak.

This. Also they aren’t stopping law enforcement activities we want them to stop, they’re stopping ones that in a perfect world they’d be tasked with enforcing.

Like they’re letting people rob stores and mug people, but I’m pretty sure they’re still harassing black kids in hoodies.