2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Organizers were dealt a mediocre hand by two years of fair to middling governance. Orange man bad and abortion held up better than I expected, but would have nice to have other cards to play to turn out the base.

I shudder to think what would have happened if Roe wasn’t on the docket until this coming year.

wtf is wrong with this dude. He always cries about how Republicans are treated.


Here come the water works.

right wing polling analysts (people’s pundit, elections wizard) think kari lake is in good shape.


the above tweet explains why. predictit has it 50/50ish

Oh for fucks sake.


Nobody can predict how voters will react to anything, #25,232



Republicans also now have fewer options for waylaying bills party members dislike. Oregon voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed Measure 113, which will create steep political penalties for lawmakers who walk away from the Capitol to block votes, as Republicans did in 2019 and 2020. Under the measure, any legislator with 10 or more unexcused absences in a legislative session is barred from running for re-election or seeking office in the other chamber.


If [election day dropoffs] behave anything like election day voters, they would put @KariLake…over the line.

That’s a big if. I think these ballots trended R in 2020 and D in 2018. But comparisons to the past seem dubious since there are so many more of these ballots this time.

I had this in the other thread, but there were 175K election day dropoffs in 2020 and about 290K this time. For comparison, only 245K people actually voted in person on election day.

Also AZ02 was called a couple of hours ago, some Trumpy douchebag ex-navy-seal won:



After leaving the military, Crane co-founded Bottle Breacher, a company that manufactures bottle openers made out of 50 caliber shell casings. Crane and his wife pitched the product on an episode of Shark Tank and received investments from Kevin O’Leary and Mark Cuban.



Desantis hasn’t said shit about the validity of the 2020 election. He wants Trump to have a heartache so he can run as a moderate. He can’t just ignore Trump forever.

How does it look to your MAGA people when Desantis is just ignoring Trump talking shit about him? Doing that alone, already puts him in Rhino territory.

This describes my stepmom to a T

I was a stranger, and you welcomed me
I was naked, and you clothed me.
I was in prison, and you visited me.
I was a lobotomized senatorial candidate, and you voted for me


Or people gain sympathy when the media elites universally turn on a candidate

Trump and Fetterman beneficiaries of same concept there

Does this mean that progressives can gain by being more aggressive in attacking media elites?

When in doubt, go with the candidate with the most charisma.


I remember Arizona going Democrats way for a few days after the election before swinging back and the Dems holding on in 2020.

I just pick the taller one.


One thing that surprises me (but shouldn’t) is how racist minorities can be. I know a guy from the Dominican Republic who absolutely hates black people, like straight up KKK/Nazi level. He truly has no idea the Fox News boomer crew hates him every bit as much as any other minority group. It’s flat out bizarre.

Wanting to be white is a hell of drug.

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Ain’t about being white. The most racist people I ever met were in China. I mean I met some amazing people in China but I also met some of the most racist people ever in that country. And they weren’t even racist against white people. They were racist against minority ethnic groups indigenous to the country (Tibetans, Uyghurs + 60 some-odd others)