2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?



It’s not. It’s completely unnecessary and not done anywhere that I’m aware of. It’s a SEIU bargaining tactic and not much else


Very high likelihood we come up like 2-4 seats short, and one of the key dudes who fucked up NY redistricting to literally cost us the entire US House will blame it all on AOC.

(All of which is literally the absolute perfect outcome for his biggest donors!)

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I bet the deluge of anti-Fetterman ads here were even crazier. Suck it, Oz.

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AZ looking better and better, Senate all but over and Lake looks like a definite underdog now


two years ago a group of friends said hey how about everybody takes one proposition and learns about it and then we’ll all get on zoom and drink and you can explain your proposition to the group and we’ll be informed blah blah

It was rando and I got the dialysis prop and blew it off until like lunch the day of, and fifteen minutes into my google fiasco I knew I was in considerable trouble; I ended up spending two hours trying to form any opinion whatsoever but by the end I had nine hundred tabs open and had learned nothing reliable other than 22 million registered californians should never ever be voting on inscrutable political nephrological pandemonium

I think in the last two decades years the dialysis industry has spent over a half billion dollars campaigning for this shit, ~$330 million since 2016 alone. Painful and dumb





On that note, it’s kind of gross for the victim’s family, but in the interest of the greater good Dems need to run ads non stop next cycle about the guy who shot and killed his neighbor for being a Dem.

Just use the Citizens for Sanity formula, but illegal immigrants = extreme MAGA insurrectionists, instead of security cam footage show news anchors reading the story and 1/6 footage, and make sure everyone knows the GOP and right wing media are provoking this shit.

The Pelosi assault works, too.

Couldn’t $330M over 5 years hire a lot of medically qualified supervisory staff?

Only 110K in Placer is bad for CA 03



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The only thing I’ve learned is I should find a way to finance a dialysis center if they’ve got that kinda scratch to fight over propositions.

Purple Washoe county with another good drop. CCM on track.



I dunno, half of what he said in that article is spot on. The other half is rage-inducing.

For example, This is exactly what we saw on the ground here:

Republican turnout was very strong relative to Democratic turnout. You can see this in a host of different data sources. Whether you’re looking at administrative data on early voting, or the AP VoteCast exit poll, or ecological regressions off of the county level results, it’s just really clear. It’s hard to get an exact number. But, back of the envelope, it looks like the electorate was about 2 percent more Republican than it was in 2020. Republicans literally outnumbered Democrats,

So basically, Dems won by actually flipping voters, as opposed to just mobilizing the base. As for me, this shows where my campaign (and yes, me personally) fucked up. We saw our registration numbers and thought turning out our base and left leaning NPPs would be enough. We didn’t do much persuasion. I regret that decision immensely.

I am kicking myself for concentrating our field efforts on turnout in our strong blue areas. I mean, we didn’t ignore the more purple areas (I did ignore the ruby red places for the most part) but we spent much more time and effort trying to turn out the base.

I was wrong.


Probably not, depending on what qualifies as “qualified” exactly here

Used to be even better before Medicare payment rules changed.

America does way more dialysis than other countries because everyone who qualifies automatically goes on Medicare who pays for it even when it’s dumb to do it

IMO most of the persuasion was probably some form of “insurrection bad, democracy good.”

Your approach was probably the right one in a normal election in a polarized environment.

Populist progressives might be an exception. Like Fetterman can go into a ruby red district and sell his kitchen table/pocket book issues and turn an 80/20 loss into a 75/25 loss which adds up. Most candidates can’t.