2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Yeah, like every damn election.

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It’s because they keep losing, but they can keep coming back every election.

Proposition 29 would require a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to be present – either virtually or in person – during treatment at outpatient kidney dialysis clinics. The measure would also require clinics to report infection data to the state and publicly disclose clinic ownership interests.

This latest measure comes after voters rejected Proposition 8 in 2018, which would have required refunds and limited profits for dialysis clinics, and after rejecting Proposition 23 in 2020, which is almost identical to 29.

yeah, CA’s system is more “democratic” by allowing everyone to vote.

lol right.

I hate it. All this shit should be legislated. We elect representatives for a reason. Instead you get whoever can dump the most money into advertising so uninformed voters “decide” on policy that could seriously affect their lives. The job of legislators is to research and vote on this shit…they don’t have 3 min wage jobs trying to keep their families fed.

It’s ridiculous. Why the fuck should I be weighing in on dialysis clinic regulations? We have medical boards and shit for that.


DaVita really has CA’s balls in a vice on this. If you require a trained medical professional on site, which is ldo good, they’ll just up and close all their clinics, leaving patients out in the cold to die of kidney failure.

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Jeez, MA ballot questions are like “Should we tax rich pricks more?” and “Can immigrants get a driver’s license?” and “Should dental insurance companies be forced to spend their money on dentistry?” (all passed, btw).

And the “should liquor regulations be even more of a protection racket and fucked than before” failed. I love my state. I voted on 15 or so lines. They all went the way I voted.

It’s almost like maybe our health care system is broken! And private equity is now raiding and pillaging, making things exponentially worse.

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SC had two constitutional amendments and I genuinely had no idea what I was voting for/against.

Our questions also aren’t as binding iirc.


This motherfucker might have single-handedly cost us the House and he has the gall to lie about this shit when AOC gave a ton of money and was LITERALLY CAMPAIGNING FOR KATIE PORTER ON THE JONS PODCAST???


I am irate


Over an hour since last hopium post. waaf?

Yeah Katie porter gets outspent by 7.7 million or so while money is poured into Florida Gjge

Porter will win by like 7.

Oh good, was very close last I looked but hopefully just counting order.


House predictit back to 13c

But Kari Lake opponent at 63c

If anyone is tracking CA races closely, this should help.


Feels like we are going to come up like 3 seats short which sucks but will be absolutely hilarious.

I saw more ads against Porter than anyone except Biden. Suck it Repubs.