2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Some AZ election official on TV right now talking about how workers are working 14 to 18 hours a day. Also throwing shade on FL.

It’s pretty funny that election volunteers working to the bone, and people waiting in line till midnight to vote, is supposed to be an indicator of a healthy democracy

When we could simply prioritize election infrastructure


simply? there are 50 different election infrastructures

Are you being obtuse on purpose?

A state could simply prioritize its election infrastructure

It sounds like AZ has a pretty flexible system as far as early and mail in voting goes, but that creates a lot of work at the backend given the signature verification requirements that they have. And the guy made a good point that everyone is paying attention to AZ because there is an important close race there. At the same time, many other states are still counting votes, but no one cares because the results weren’t close.




That’s my analysis. I didn’t look too deep, just at the current results and how Cook characterized it going in. If it’s gettable then we need 5 of 8, which feels way better than 5 of 7.

Right. There’s no will to fund enough people and space to work polls in order to prevent voters from going “welp I gotta get back to work” or “welp the daycare is closing” and there’s no will to fund things high enough so that (paid or unpaid?) counters aren’t working 16-hour days

It’s hilarious

The ballot system here is fucked. Uber wrote a law and got it passed by advertising relentlessly. The dialysis people just keep coming and both sides obfuscate their true intentions so nobody knows wtf is happening - I got texts from dialysis patients pleading for me to help them on both sides of the issue.

You both make very good points.

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Easy. People who don’t understand percentages + people brainwashed by the media and politicians into xenophobia.

If you are a typical Arkansan and think 100% of LA and NYC is transgender Muslim Jewish millionaires, you’re starting to get to where you don’t have to misunderstand percentages

Add in the people who don’t use Arabic numbers because they’re Muslim and you get the results posted.


it’s not obtuse to point out that there’s nothing simple about it. each state fights internally for every election in terms of funding and workers. eg even a state like wa that has universal mailed ballots ends up calling the national guard for bodies to do the tabulation

That sounds like socialism, can’t have that.

A bunch of dumps came in in CO-3, including maybe 2000 from Pueblo. Not good, Bobo up by 1200 now.

Makes no sense for her to be running mail-in votes from Pueblo. That’s some serious run bad for us.

Yeah, Boebert wins.

Vince it’s over gif


wait wat

I thought that tweet was an analogy. You literally have ballot measures about kidney dialysis?