2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


for all the people mad about gerrymandering unfair in favor of R’s, they are the ones who are gonna be mad about it right now


Ehh, a lot of that is probably because of how few votes have been counted in California.


Yeah LA finishes counting in like a month. CA is so dysfunctional. No way it should take that long.

To be even more precise, there are only 5 House seats east of not just the Mississippi but east of the Dakotas that are uncalled, and of those, exactly one has <95% of the vote counted (MD-6, which does deserve some WTFs at this point). Basically all of the vote counting that is still going on is in western states with large amounts of mail in voting, and even the 4 districts in eastern states with the counting almost done are in blue states and are waiting on mail in votes. There is maybe, maybe a case for requiring mail in votes to be either mailed by the Friday before election day or else dropped off at a poling place if you don’t make that in time, but I’m in favor of letting more people vote at their convenience, even if it does slow down the count.


Get a glass of wine, relax, sit back and enjoy.


Check in again when California is done counting. Someone made a similar post in 2020 then never followed up.

I wanted to post this in Hopium but I don’t know what new info has or has not come out in the last hour but NV D went from like 63 to 83 on predictit.

And D Senate up to 89.

Oh wait there is good info, but gonna wait for Ralston or Kornaki.

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Yeah some good dumps for Ds coming out of NV.

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Right up there with this shit

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C’mon, man.



Yeah that was a cheap shot.

People in Florida seemed to really like that Desantis kept the schools opened. They seem to really hate it when their kids are out of school (unless they have a family vacation planned or something stupid like that). But I still don’t get how the fuck he went from 50-50 to 60-40 even considering the Democrats hand selected the WOAT candidates.


White 45-64 is mostly Gen-X. FML

From the comments:



30-44 is actually more gross. 43%? dafuq

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Yeah you don’t have Boomers dragging you down as an excuse.

Gen-Xers were always going to be the next Boomers. Does this surprise anyone?



If you own a house In Florida it is now worth double what you paid for it when Desantis took office in 2018. The tx market, while not quite as dramatic, also saw huge gains relative to the rest of the country. Same in AZ and NV but those markets have been under a lot of pressure the last three months while TX and FL have held up a little better. I think this is the best likely explanation of why the trumpy canadiaes in these markets did better then the rest of the country.

Let’s see how popular Desacantamonius is in 2 years from now when everyones house in Florida is worth 20 less then it is now.
