2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?



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I hear decentralization is great - worked well for crypto.

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At least the three ā€œhopelessā€ states we have to defend are exceptionally good electoral candidates.

Maybe we can get to 51 this year, and somehow hold 2 of those 3. Small chance but weā€™ve got a shot. The results of this election should give us a very small amount of hope. Maybe 10% if we get to 51.

And Iā€™ll say this. If the outcome in that 10% is essentially trading Sinema and Manchin for Fetterman and TBD in Arizona, thatā€™s a 50-50 we may be able to work with.

But this is more of a fit for the hopium thread, sorry Iā€™m being realistic that itā€™s a longshot.

Any more MAJOR DUMPS tonight?


How long does it take to count elections in India?

In all honesty, no, as much as I hate Republicans. Republicans in Florida were embarrassed by the slow count in 2000 and made it much faster. A lot of the slowest states, like CA and OR, are blue, and are slow because of widespread if not mandatory mail in voting.

Thatā€™s true but in many other cases the GOP forces mail-in ballots to be counted slower by statute. Pennsylvania is an example.

YES but I donā€™t think it will change any election outcomes.

Thatā€™s part of it but really itā€™s that everything about the system, top to bottom, is perfectly badly designed. An army of political scientists couldnā€™t devise a worse system.

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i just want to point out that when you read both this thread and the hopium thread and then go do something else and come back to see this thread having 26 new posts and the hopium thread having 5 posts, it sucks.


On the other hand a lot of good news does not qualify as hopium right now.

Is it really so critical that elections get wrapped up in one day?

Itā€™s designed to make it hard to do anything without the approval of a majority of states and to let states decide how to run elections.

Iā€™m trying. Took some Metamucil a little while ago.


Thatā€™s some bullshit. Take some polyethylene glycol

J6 prob doesnā€™t happen if they were.

Yeah, my son takes Miralax daily. I just have minor issues occasionally and Metamucil does the trick. Plus, I oddly like the orange slush.

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Pueblo has been approx Frisch +9, but these may be election day votes and if so they are breaking roughly 50-50 maybe a slight lean to Boebert. Also the last two batches of ~2K votes in Pueblo only moved the margin 10 votes.

Iā€™d rather be Frisch but itā€™s close.