2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Other than Florida, this is where all the crazy olds go to die. My parents voted for her and know nothing about her.

She backed out. Hobbs has absolutely 0 personality and Lake is a nutter/former news anchor. Everything with her is a spectacle so she wouldā€™ve ā€œslaughteredā€ Hobbs in a debate AKA lie over and over but take over the stage with ā€œcharisma.ā€

Hopium thread is thataway. NYT called that Boebert was likely to win hours ago and it looks like the votes are breaking as expected

Yeah but debates donā€™t really matter. Ducking one can matter. Fetterman took the debate despite not being fully recovered, looked awful and won by 4 and counting. Hobbs dodged the debate and itā€™s looking grim for her, best case she wins by the skin of her teeth.

Yeah sheā€™s like exponentially crazier than Oz though, and a true believer. It was lose/lose.

The NYT stopped updating their live forecast at 4am EST, and they didnā€™t ā€œcallā€ shit. They said the race was leaning her way. Big difference.

The NBC affiliate in Denver, citing AP reporting and their own on where the remaining ballots are, say Boebert is likely to lose. Thatā€™s not hopium, thatā€™s informed analysis and reporting.

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It really really sucks that Mitch is a lock to be majority leader in 2 years.

Just trying to be realistic and point out that weā€™ve known for a while that, despite being from strong D areas, these votes were likely to break her way. Hope she loses.

This is going to be an epic shit show








This one is absurdly close.

The first half of this post is the answer to the second half of this post.

Actuarial tables would disagree.


Why is America the only democracy that canā€™t accomplish an election in one day?

Mostly insanely close elections over and over plus local control over the voting process.

But is the outstanding vote good?

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Decentralized elections, which is not inherently a bad thing.

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There were all kinds of elections in American accomplished in one day this election.