2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

That’s because Dems treat the corporate media as good faith actors who are a necessary part of a functional democracy. If Dems treated them like the enemy with open disdain, things would change.

The Red Wave is weird.

Where are we with
NV senate
AZ gov

I see conflicting info trying to catch up.

(NV gov is red and AZ sen is blue, correct?)

NV senate also seems real close though predictit/bookies have it as dem slightly favoured. AZ governor seems like it’s going republican (which should be a freakshow for the next 4 to infinity years)

Arizona is supposed to have a 100000 vote dump at 800pm. Not sure if thats 800pm in Zona or eastern time.

Literal criming. Or should that be cryming?

But AZ SoS is Dem?

Well according to Kari Lake


But it’s definitely incredibly close. NYT has Hobbs up 4,000 votes, but only 67% of votes in, I’m not sure about the tendencies of the areas from which remaining ballots are coming.

I guess I post here.

I’m sure our gap will close some, but SD 40 and San Diego county out to La Jolla will be represented by a douchebag R from Klantee.

On one hand of course I’m sad and upset and wondering how polls could once again be so fucking wrong. On the other, if my campaign had to die so America could be saved, well, then I guess we’re happy to be of service.




Yep that’s where doing a half ass job governing for two years hurts, but honestly the apparent decade long fuck up of the NY map the real inexcusable error.

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there’s no magic issue or position that will work like that. on the ballot, restoring felon’s voting right wins in a rout, but in practice the governor who defies that ballot measure also gets reelected.

ultimately, the conservative side will simply fling shit on the wall until something sticks, and then noone will remember if the progressives were for $15 or $25.

after 4 years of trump crazy I’m all for boring 2024

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Frisch leads Boebert by just 62 votes.

But the outstanding vote is good…

So you’re saying it’s outstanding?


No, the good vote is outstanding.

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Fetterman’s margin is up to 4.04% and growing! Run it up!


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Murdoch is all in on DeSantis