2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

lacks a certain dignity


For those who don’t know…

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She seems like the type that would be more apt to respond to an unsolicited dick pick, Lenny.

ETA: my joke had no knowledge of Lenny’s previous transgressions

That seems like a good joke tweet, but it appears to be real.




Finally, more compromise!


It’s the new ten year map, so yes permanent in that sense.

I’ve been watching the whole speech and presser and that’s a bullshit characterization. Looks like CNN? Their rightward shift continues.

He’s saying that he’s going to continue to be bipartisan as he has been, but that the voters approve of his agenda.


Important for budget stuff.

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Dems need to bait Trump into Georgia. Poke at him over endorsing Walker and losing the first race. Call him a loser and a coward for not showing up to help Walker run. Ask how many times in a row is he going to lose Georgia?

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Can’t wait to see what a DeSantis presidency looks like, the guy who thinks maps are written.

Tell him that Rhonda Santis is going to be campaigning hard for Walker and will get all the credit if there is a Republican win.



well that just means he thinks R’s won the house

he dunked on them hard lately, so just kinda ignore it

This is preposterous


Imagine if you had a center-left party who aggressively made this the centerpiece of their campaign. Part of the reason stuff like “Dems are for defund the police” survives is that there is no succinct message saying what Dems are actually for. Here is a left-wing policy that is a winning message in fucking Nebraska! I’m sure we will see eDems adopt this message nationwide now right? Anakin Padme dot JPG.


wouldn’t change anything for most people, even in my middle of nowheres ville it’s over that for min jobs.

It truly doesn’t matter. The media amplifies whatever made up shit Republicans want to talk about, including the “liberal” NYT, MSNBC, etc. to say nothing of the third of the country mainlining straight up propaganda.

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Dems didn’t vote hard enough,


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So when does the Republicans messaging pivot to ‘We won the house, RED WAAAAAAVE’?