2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

New York passed a constitutional amendment creating a bipartisan redistricting committee. The legislature can do their own plan if they reject two proposals from the committee. With a strong Dem majority, Republicans on the committee chose to deadlock it so no proposal went before the legislature. A special master was appointed by the courts drew up a map in line with a constitutional ban on partisan gerrymandering that didn’t protect incumbents. Dems may have had a shot at compromise, but chose a strategy that chased a more gerrymandered map and lost.

Dems also lost four seats in Florida because Republicans drew up a map that DeSantis felt was not gerrymandered enough, so he rejected it and pushed his own maps, which were heavily resisted by a Republican legislature. DeSantis seemed driven to undo a majority-minority district, deeming it an unconstitutional racial gerrymander. There is some possibility that his map will be undone for 2024, even by a state supreme court that was mostly appointed by him, but that could be the margin for control of the House.

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Not counting what arrives in the mail from now through Saturday, Clark County has…

14.7K mail ballots

12K mail ballots picked up today

They do not have an estimate on the drop boxes, but “there is a considerable amount.”

So we still don’t know.

Plus 5,555 provisional ballots from yesterday.

uh oh. that doesn’t really seem like 100k or even 80k…hope someone was stuffing those drop boxes.

There are over 300 drop boxes full of ballots from yesterday’s mail-in drop boxes.



I would assume the number dropped off in person on election day significantly exceeds the number that arrive through the mail at that point, so I think this is in line with the range we’re expecting. Clark County has 4.5 times as many people as Washoe, and Washoe has 57K left to count. Clark County could easily be over 100K.



Well this is good, there are 300 boxes of ballots, but only 128 drop box locations.

So that probably means that a lot of those boxes are completely full? You’ve gotta think they hold at least a few hundred each, so I think we’re talking about a very large number here.


Well, we are due for a massive dump this cycle.


I saw the videos…

Ralston on a live stream: “Sisolak is almost certainly going to lose.”

Ralston now says Dems need 100K ballots left in Clark County for CCM to have a chance, and they have to win them close to 2-to-1.

Womp womp

McCarthy is doomed imo. Trump gotta pin the blame on someone and it’s gonna be him.

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There will be no shortage of people that Donnie Dumb Dumb blames. The only thing he knows for sure is that its not HIS fault, after all he’s a very stable genius.

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6,000 votes left, Boebert needs to gain about 2,350 so she needs to run 4,175 to 1,825 with what’s left. That’s 69.58% to 30.42%, and so far Frisch is beating her by 9 in that county.

Looking pretty fucking good!


The lesson the eDems will take away from this is that they just need to stay the course and not let anyone upset that trajectory, not that they got lucky because of Dobbs and a bunch of bad Trump-endorsed candidates.

Didn’t SCOTUS actually step in in NY, and shadow docket all those other states?