2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

This dude looks like an NPC from Morrowind.


It looked like their theory was that outstanding votes would lean more R than already-counted votes (shown by Pueblo in their two maps) but I honestly didn’t do anything other than just glance at their analysis. It’d be cool if they’re wrong, but either way it seems like the confident calls from 10 hours ago celebrating her loss were probably premature.

Nevada seems super close, surprised Predictit still so high. Seems really close to a flip.

I went to the CO SOS website to try to dig into how they could be modeling a different split. between what’s been counted so far and what may be outstanding. CO doesn’t seem to breakout the different vote types (mail, in-person, etc). So not sure what they could be modeling unless there is some other data source I’m not seeing. I guess they could be using precinct level data, and Pueblo seems like a fairly populous county so maybe there’s a big split possible.

This thread sucks

Yeah I don’t get it.


I don’t see him running for POTUS so I don’t see her ever getting to that level of national recognition, but Gisele Fetterman is a rock star. She’s Michelle Obama level cool and likeable.

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I just woke up. Anything interesting happen in last 12 hours?

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Nope. IMO we overdosed on hopium.

Do we need a copium thread instead?

Feel really good about Warnoff getting there. Ds have the college educated voters that always show up now.

Only counterpoint I can think of is if it is true that an unusually high # of young people voted in the general election and it is hard to get them to show up again.

NBC Calls Wisconsin for Johnson.



All I know about Pueblo, CO is that it’s where every mail-in promotion I saw on TV in the 1980’s was processed.


that’s the question. if parties can fuck around like that in each other’s primary, at some point they will find out. for example i can see some gop supporting a crazy socialist in dem primaries next time.

CNN calls VA-2, a Rep flip

I think the GOP already fucks around with Dem primaries, just not in the same ways.

Reminded of this oldie but goodie today


Rs 221 as we sit right now without delving into who has which votes coming in where.