2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

That’s the NBC model, not called races, right?

just literally going to CNN and adding current leaders to called races.

OK, the NBC model is 221-214 +/- 10.

Yeah that model very conservative with range of outcomes. Dont really see a path to Dems winning outright but will be shocked if its above 223 or so for Rs.

Just got a runoff fundraising text from team Warnock

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I haven’t looked at all, and maybe @skydiver can chime in, but I’m guessing the Dems path to victory involves correlated outperformance in CA where mail-in votes are counted slowly. IIRC there was a seat there that we had written off on Wednesday after Election Day last time then came back to win.

Let’s not forget the mail-in vote skews our way and parts of CA got bad weather.

This is why we can’t have a third party and how Nader cost Gore the election

The two threads are indistinguishable at this point. Why keep them separated?

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huckabee got elected governor last night, no?

Maybe we should try ranked choice next time


gjge seattle. 1b meaningless if 1a doesn’t pass

Georgia has been overperforming like crazy for a state whose Senate race was R+14 in 2016. I think Warnock will deliver in the runoff since Walker won’t enjoy being under Kemp on the ballot.

Then you can forget about us until 2026. Demographics will always be at work in Georgia, as the white-alone population loses about one-half of a percentage point each year. The white-alone population shrinks each year while the minority population booms–even Asian and Latino voters are closer to a 50/50 split rather than R+50 like Georgia’s white people are.

In other words, you can expect Georgia to continue to be competitive for the foreseeable future.


NY House split looking like either 15-11 or 14-12 Dem GJGE there NY Dems

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Should we use ranked choice voting here?
  • 1
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  • 3

0 voters


Yes. Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

watch out. she’s going to sleep in hillary’s bedroom now

This is why when I look for political analysis, I choose fox news


She also played a big role in the formation of this forum iirc.


:nodrake: Huckagov
:yesdrake: Govabeast