2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Mail in favors Ds, Election Day voting favors Rs.

There were some minor issues this morning at ~40 out of 223 voting centers where the ballot printers were not printing the timing marks dark enough and the tabulators were rejecting them.

Problems were resolved quickly but Rs whined about it anyway and asked for 3 extra hours. A judge basically said no, no actual harm was done to anybody. Those in line by 7 were allowed to vote.


Thanks! That saved me at least 20 min.

If anyone cares, US equity futures (SPX) down from +0.1 to -0.25 since count started.

That miracle is still live, at least for now.

Speaking more broadly, that senate was up for grabs but house really wasnt but probably wasnā€™t gonna be a Republican smash.

Oh, ok, heā€™s one of us then and Iā€™ll allow it.

Why on earth did this move in recent days?

i couldnā€™t begin to analyze completely. you have to message differently to the 2nd and 3rd generations hispanics whose entire family are all citizens versus those 1st generations who may live with undocumented residents. but at the end of the day, if you keep failing to deliver meaningful immigration policy wins, youā€™re handicapping your own message.

Nate Silver:

One big question is whether Walker might perform a little worse in a runoff without Kemp to help him.

Think thatā€™s a good point. My guess is that Walker gets curbstomped in a runoff.

What if your choices are compromise and win or stick to your principles and let Republicans win?

Man Georgian TV/Radio/Internet gonna be unuseable because of political ads if there is a runoff campaign

Perdue 49.7
Ossoff 47.9

was 2020

former Trump staffer/election denier loses in NH-01


Trump getting absolutely crushed in every race



sounds like Iā€™m hearing the sound of tears to me

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Fox only just calling Ohio for Vance. They must really be overcompensating for that 2020 AZ call.


Should we be happy that itā€™s Vance and not Mandel. Or does that even matter?

Thereā€™s no such thing as a good Republican.


Sure, but I think there are varying degrees of bad. Arenā€™t there?

DeSantis agrees to give Trump a pardon for any crimes he is convicted of if he just stfu and quietly goes away.

0.0% chance Trump accepted that offer before tonight.

10% chance after tonight?