2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Still zero. Trump ain’t bending the knee for anyone.


well Trump probably isn’t gonna announce he’s running now (today or soon we’ll see about later), he would’ve if it was a landslide

Budd takes NC Senate race per MSNBC.

well I don’t know anyone here actually believed that D winning that was possible, maybe someday

At this point, I think we’re better off if the Republicans who get elected are as clownish as possible so that there is no perceived room in the party for anyone sane.

I thought it was close enough that a late-breaking scandal could flip it.

Someone recommended PBS I turned it on and David Brooks. Hard pass WTF

I think Florida’s demographics have changed and any hope of it being a purple state (or even a blue, lol) are gone for at least 10 years. It had one of the larger increases of people moving into during the pandemic and honestly think a lot of it is because of the politics.

Fox having a laugh at Abrams for not conceding last time as quickly as she did this time.

If Warnock-Walker ends up being for the 51st D senator, the turnout for Walker is going to plummet.

Also Warnock might coast if the senate isn’t actually up for grabs.

I didn’t expect it, just updating the calls as they’re officially made in states that were remotely competitive.

Your pony coasted in second - only lost by a nose though.

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cliffs me: kelly + fetters looking v good so it’s down to one of GA or NV for 50/50; GA prolly going run off and NV slight R atm but 2 days of D leaning mail to sort through?


GA is the new FL


NV gonna be a huge clusterfuck if it’s 49 and R’s lead not by much with D’s mail to count

Now Fox dragging Beto and Abrams as being huge wastes of resources for Dems because all they do is lose. Think they might have a bit of a point on that one.


The whole entire purpose of this website is for the posters to convince each other that 1) they, too, will be a victim of fascism and not somebody who goes along to get along; and, 2) this means the posters can concince each other that inaction is A-OK, because you can’t question a systemic victim’s choice to live their life however selfishly they see fit, since living is winning; and, 3) you can’t feel any responsibility for any systemic problems. Why? See (2).

  1. Convince each other that democracy ends at voting. You vote for people to take care of you. If they don’t, there’s nothing you can do. That’s why you refuse to believe that anarchism means organized community defense at a micro level, and instead choose to believe it means “nobody is allowed to stop anybody from hurting anybody.” Because you literally cannot fathom a community who takes care of each other. That’s what politicians are for, in your eyes.

That looks extremely likely.