2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

well, ryan did a lot better than biden in rural areas, ohio just blows

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Ban Jen psaki from tv

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still pessimistic about the hispanic vote. obv florida is different, but i think the republicans have found the messaging that Ds havenā€™t counteracted.

Dems arenā€™t gaining in texas, they are probably in trouble in nevada, and might lose several hispanic heavy purple house seats in CA that they are holding in less diverse areas.

Late night talk on the deck during beer #3: wouldnā€™t a Shapiro/Whitmer ticket be unbeatable in 2024? Lock up PA and MI and camp out in WI. Who beats them? Let Obama camp out in GA/NC.

God sheā€™s so bad. She has no fucking idea how any of this shit works, sheā€™s a comma person and never worked a campaign, did she?

If a [checks notes] Yale Law, Silicon Valley, Peter-Thiel-shitsucking corporate puppet doesnā€™t scream salt of the earth God-fearing rural Ohio Christian then Iā€™m not sure what does.

Only person I can think of who is more overrated weighing in on campaign issues is Jon favreau.

shapiro isnā€™t known outside of PA (and I couldnā€™t tell you much about him myself)

Hypothetically, if a significant part of the Democratic decline in the Hispanic vote is due to being seen as too far left on immigration and culture war stuff, is there a good solution to the problem or are those votes you just have to accept losing?

Dem house odds are collapsing

Weā€™ll, his wife was a supreme court clerk and partner at the most elite CA law firm, with parents who immigrated from India.

I posted some of his recent speeches. Heā€™s good. Very.

Kemp wins GA Governorā€™s race.

No I donā€™t want to abandon immigrants and women to make life better for white men.

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538 basically nailing this so far.

well they did have boebert 97 to 3

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Kelly now -500

I assume, Iā€™m the only one following this on Fox News. Mood is very neutral.

Senate going to come down to Nevada and GA runoff

52 seats basically hopeless unless WI miracle happens