2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

looks like Fetterman is going to win, wonder how close to my projected +3 I posted in here it ends up

GA looks runoff, god not again for 50 seats please.

I see what you did there.

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Charles Grassley is literally 300 years old

and somehow seems more coherent than some other senators

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So the Russians aren’t going to win the war in 3 days?

Absolutely not



Just catching up on stuff. Can someone explaine why REPUBLICANS wanted voting hours extended in Maricopa county? Or did I just read that wrong?

b/c republicans still vote on election DAY like real americans?

NEEDLE update


A needle was found in Halloween candy from Park Ridge.


I still think the remaining votes skew R and you guys are crazy in all the close races.

Charlie Kirk said (without evidence) that there were shenanigans in Republican leaning precincts.

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Walker is really going to be a Senator, jfc. I know there could be a runoff, but I don’t see Warnock pulling the LIBERTARIAN vote.


Is it just me or does 538 feed not auto update? You gotta click a little button to see new posts? What a joke lol

Going to win without a runoff.

Vance wins.

Senator JD Vance. LOL OHIO

Also another “I’m a Republican basically” candidate gets trounced

perdue beat ossoff by nearly 2 full points on election day lost the runoff

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