2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

How in the actual fuck is JD Vance winning?

I don’t want to hear about HRC being fake and unlikable ever again. Hillary is freaking Obama compared to JD Vance.

Florida is always fast and I have no memory of dems not being massacred in FL.

Ohio is gone. Just completely hopeless at this point, will be Oklahoma by 2030. Severe brain drain as all the educated people (justifiably) flee.

Shapiro getting the call this early means that Fetterman has a great fucking chance.


You ever been to Ohio?

Yeah Sherrod brown the actual senate VORP leader.


I think Dobbs and Trump.

He is a he and a Republican. And it’s in Ohio.

It’s an unstoppable force, unless your name is Sherrod Brown.


it’s Ohio

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Brown will lose in 2024 Ohio is hopeless

Any word on MTG?

MSNBC is overdosing on hopium.

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I’ve assumed this as well like most here, we’ll see I guess

She romped, as expected.

wouldn’t go that far but D’s are going to do alright tonight

though FL can just be abandoned by now

Y’all need to approach this like poker and not get too emotional about short-term swings.

Goddammit, can we trade Herschel Walker to Minnesota?


I wish we could somehow clone Sherrod Brown and have Sherrod Brown 1 run for Ohio Senate and Sherrod Brown 2 run for President.

Being a bit hard on the beaver imo