2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

“Election Day is kind of like Christmas for those of us who believe in Democracy” - NBC News guy.


Crist-Sinema seems like the ideal Forward Party ticket.

I voted for her in the state house itself!

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Continuing a tradition that began in 2020, my buddy and I are watching the results live. Since we’re both COVID safe that means outdoor viewing, and it wouldn’t be complete without Philadelphia beers!


Lmfao @ “Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders”

I’m sure she was a lock but I didn’t even know she was running.

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Like imagine there’s a natural disaster and you have to say “man, I sure hope GOVERNOR SANDERS knows what to do!”



It’s gonna be the former

Logically, I think that it’s most likely going to mean something like Fetterman 50-48, Shapiro wins 55-43. Otherwise, if we’re looking at like Shapiro 50-50, we’re looking at 55-45 Oz? Not a single poll has showed that. I’m leaning towards this being good news.

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Yeah agreed I don’t think any reason to think Shapiro massive underperform more likely.

Abrams down 150K. She have any votes remaining anywhere?

If the disaster is a huge and expected corn surplus, she’ll know exactly what to do.


Is she going to go into Huckabeast mode?

The needle has broken.

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Dems take LA? Big if true!

per TheNew50 in the hopium thread, Dekalb county is still reporting very low numbers and they had 261k votes for Stacy Abrams in 2018 (49k for Kemp)

Tons of blue areas of Georgia not counted, but you should forget about it. It’s not happening.

Warnock is way stronger than expected. Margin even bigger between Warnock/Abrams than expected, and an outright win is possible. Put your faith in that.


Grunching, any succinct update?

Freebasing hopium or WAAF?

Martini in hand and I’m ready to watch the NEEDLE.

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Out of nowhere, Mark Kelly’s odds on Predictit are absolutely soaring.

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I believe in Mark Kelly