2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

DeKalb just came in and Warnock jumped over 51

Motherfuckin Blue Wave!!

Democracy Now’s coverage finally started. I’ve been avoiding the main networks, hopefully this coverage isn’t terrible.

Needle is such a joke

There are two threads, the Cajuns broke the needle, Georgia is promising, and Florida sucks.

A month ago the narrative was that Rs really shit the bed by nominating so many bad Senate candidates—specifically talking about Masters, Walker, and Oz. Then all 3 of them trended into tossup territory or even pulling ahead.

All 3 of them now losing after all that would be amazing.

Fetterman winning after that debate seems borderline miraculous.


nice timing

From my buddy in KC:

Awesome that the fucking state will be able to force KC to spend 25% of our fucking budget on the fucking police

Small government!


What am i missing? Most results in seem like solid blue territory. This is going to be the reverse 2020.

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Are Dems starting to get it?


Goddamnit I should have taken that Warnock bet.

But no, I had to bet the Wings puck line because The Hip told me to.


Based on some twitter nerds it looks like Budd’s likely gonna win NC, not that we ever really had much of a chance there to begin with.

Praise Oprah?

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NC borderline hopeless now

If it makes you feel any better i still think Walker wins.


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