2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Lol CNN exit poll 75% view economy as not so good or poor.


Hopefully the Michigan students can get us there.

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This is it. Last election that counting the votes actually meant something.

Nice knowing you democracy.

It was over nov 2016.




Rubio and DeSantis both leading in Miami-Dade. Guess we’ll see whether Florida is an outlier like it was in 2020.

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It appears Philly voting picked back up, and it’s going to end up very close to 2018 levels. However, it appears that the areas most likely to move towards Oz were overrepresented relative to 2018 turnout by precinct. So… who knows?

I’m rooting for the most insane levels of hyperinflation imaginable until I die. A new iPhone costing $18,000 is the country we all deserve.


My wife said she doesn’t want to watch election results. Her choice for TV right now: Walking Dead.



With Amazon still paying like $12 an hour.


LMAO underestimated. Even people in a fucking coma saw this coming.


Georgia looking bad as well. Senator Walker is going tobe a real thing.

Warnock at 75% in Fulton County with 63% of the vote in. Biden took 72%.

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I’m done for the night. I’m going to listen to music, drink wine, and eat gummies. I’ll hear about the post mortem of the democratic party in the morning


Are you accounting for what type of vote has been counted (mail, early in person, e-day) as well? If not, this type of analysis doesn’t work.

edit: I checked and Biden got 71% of the early in person vote in 2020, so I guess that’s promising

With 10 percent of the expected vote reporting, the “no” vote on Kentucky’s ballot amendment — which would clarify that there is no right to abortion in the state constitution — is at 58 percent, and the “yes” vote is at 42 percent. It’s a bit of a brain-twister, but that means the abortion-rights side is ahead for now. Of course, it’s early and things could change, but this is not an especially promising start for anti-abortion advocates in Kentucky.

Some good news there at least I suppose.

Please tell me that was fake news!

CNN is going hard on spewing the both sides bullshit. “Democrats abandoning the middle of the country” fuck off

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This is the first election of my life I’m not following closely on election day. Feels odd.

It was