2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Thinking of watching Barbarian instead of election returns because I don’t like being scared


Im rewatching succession will just follow along here



Cliffs on how election day is going so far for those of us just waking up on the other side of the world?



We’ll know everything in the next 5 minutes.

(Not really but IN and KY polls closing.)

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Warnock up 51! Crisis averted!

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Abrams is toast. She’s behind Biden’s final number in Fulton County in the early/mail vote there.

In my head, while in line at the grocery store, I took your Walker -140 action for a dollar. So I’ve got like 20% of the normal gambling juices flowing on Warnock, just from seeing you post the line and wanting the other side lmao.

Dems getting obliterated in FL

You’re fuckin welcome

Luckily does not give us any new information.

Lol Demings is going to lose Miami Dade by 10+



Crazy idea for Dems. Run some Hispanic candidates in Florida.

Nevada is about to say hello.

McDermott only down 30 points now!

Dems better have a press conference in front of four seasons landscaping tomorrow about this.

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Actually a key similarity. CA conservatives moving to NV and AZ, NY conservatives moving to FL.

Adding a bit more context to Amelia’s post, according to our latest FiveThirtyEight/Ipsos poll, in October, likely voters were asked which issues were most important for the country (selecting up to three from a list of 20), and they ranked abortion ninth (11 percent). Sixty-three percent of likely voters had been seeing a lot about abortion in the news, making it the second-most-seen issue among the same list of 20 (after only “inflation or increasing costs,” 77 percent).
