2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I do agree he sincerely believes some of this stuff, problem is he believes it because he has spent too much time hanging out with Chamber of Commerce types. That’s an insidious thing about lobbying, it’s not just implicit or explicit bribery. You are getting a very skewed perspective by allowing the donors and lobbyists 10000x more access to shape your views than the average person.

Yes, as played there is a lot of blame to go around.

But not having changed the rules when apparently they had the power to do so gets the biggest share from me. (See also: the stupid way California does its recalls)

i would totally support any flavor democrats trying to make their own primary and/or convention voting to be ranked-choice. you kinda have to start with your own house, before taking it to the state.

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He sincerely believes in bipartisanship and won’t betray that principle even to help his constituents or increase the money going to his pocket.



beat me by 2 minutes

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We already have. The GOP is the only group that votes as a block now, because their survival depends on it and they know it (ours does too, but we are stupid and idealistic and would rather be right and lose, which we will do).

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Maybe Dems should consider catering to a more populist agenda? Like it or not, Republicans do exactly that. You think GOP politicians actually care about pro life and family values? Half of them have probably paid for their mistresses’ abortions themselves. Religious? Please! Hell, these people are fully vaxxed while fighting full force against vaccines! Republicans listen to their base while Dems do not

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You have a point about social media, but that was also true 12 months ago.

The difference between now and then is that Democrats are making a ton of unforced errors.

Sorry, this is awesome



Hate to see a classic machine politician lose an election after his opponent spends lol money!!!

I think probably part of the problem with what you are saying is what trumpers want doesn’t clash with what gop politicians want, whereas progressive and democrat goals clash big time

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His name is Durr???

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After a day of thinking about the state of American politics I have come to the conclusion that there is no presently foreseeable path to stopping fascism. Maybe some external event will change this, but it is highly unlikely.

Democrats had their chance. They blew it. It’s over, gg.


Like, good fucking luck everyone



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If Trump doesn’t run in 2024, Ds just lose straight up. If Trump runs, the legit outcome depends on the economy in 2024 but Rs are going to hold all the keys/have purged all the R dissidents to successfully execute the 2020 Playbook.

So the good outcome is democratically elected fascism! The astute reader will ask “how is that different from the rest of US History?”

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I gotta ask. Do any of you political junkies really think China will let Trump have the nuke codes again?

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i’m going to make a bold amateur prediction that hypersonic missiles are going to be pretty useless in the drone age. air support is still dominant in most recent territorial conflicts (ukraine, azerbaijan, syria), but they are essentially decided by the combination of drone capabilities and/or vulnerabilities. russia (and US) has been “researching” hypersonic for decades and came up with no deployable technology. it simply looks like the future isn’t hypersonic, and i don’t see them as tipping the balance.


This is amateur speculation on my part also.

If you take Milley’s comments at face value I think you can extrapolate that China has nearly closed the gap in military technology. They are in an advantageous position on many fronts.

Remember that Milley had to make a rogue phone call to China to let them know we were not actually going to attack them. Factor that in with the amount of damage Trump did to our trust with our European allies and I don’t think its pure fantasy to envision a scenario where we become the odd man out.

Hacking the presidential election in 2024 seems like a freeroll. What does China really depend on us for? Agriculture? With the amount of money they are pouring into science that will end.

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