2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Our party chair (who didn’t have a vote in the initial endorsement process), quick takeaways. he is right:

One, the Party has to better vet our candidates for a number of reasons. I have proposed and our Central Committee has approved additional/enhanced vetting as part of our new questionnaire.

Two, candidates in this case both failed a very simple test. Next year two seats were up and both the candidates could have been elected by next year. They were asked if they would step aside for the other this time so both could be elected next time and they both refused. This selfishness in candidates needs to be discouraged.

Three, systemically an election without a run-off where a candidate can win without a plurality is undemocratic. Municipalities without primaries should embrace instant run-off ranked choice voting.

It matters when a significant portion of your population is Arabic or Jewish, which it is, in this case.

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You gotta message with it too. Millions of family are getting an extra 300 bucks per child and most don’t even know it’s only because of the democrats

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There is your whole problem. Literally 100% of it.

Had IRV or some other runoff been implemented, that Republican loses (to somebody).

The fact that it isn’t is mind-blowing incompetence on the part of the party.

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Build back better isn’t vague enough?

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I think you underestimate how stubborn Manchin is and how much he believe is morally right.

Need to dumb it down for the median American voter.



by “more successful” do you mean if they off’ed pence?

their own self interest is dependent on whether the context is a roughly 225-213/(48+2)-50 D “majority” or a 205-233/47-53 minority. we are essentially arguing about saving existing social programs vs not creating new ones.

sorry, $6T BBB was probably the sweet spot, but realistically dems needed 55 senators.

that’s crazy. with trmp in office i was legit expecting my parents medicare to be snatched away when they most needed it. it basically happened too, there was just no way for dialysis clinic bills to make to collections before covid hit, so they ended up waiving it.

Do you REALLY think he believes he’s morally right? Or does he believe in all the money he and his family are receiving from his grift?

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I really do believe that he thinks he is in the right and is not simply for sale to the highest bidder. He may be a grifter, but he will pass up grifts that don’t align with his core beliefs.

I don’t know exactly what I mean. But I do mean that the insurrectionists had been more successful. Enough to create a bigger backlash. Maybe that’s more violence, maybe it’s Trump getting Pence to reject the electors, maybe it’s something that requires military intervention. Anything to introduce some variance into the slow march to Soviet US. I’m surprised 1/6 wasn’t enough, and maybe/probably at this point, enough of the country is gone that there’s nothing that can bring about such a backlash.

I’m skipping ahead a bit but the fact we still have people here beating the drum as if the ACA was some great accomplishment worthy of the incredible amount of political capital spent (to pass Romneycare and a massive handout to insurance companies) is exactly why we are fucked. Burn it all down.

Imagine the Republicans with a supermajority trifecta passing Bernie’s policies and then feeding it to their voters as their defining accomplishment. And it actually works on some of them.

You literally can’t make this stuff up.


I feel like I’ve become the Democratic equivalent of a RINO. I absolutely hate my party right now and can’t vote for anyone or anything that’s not progressivism. I wonder if Democrats aren’t gonna lose people like me in droves?

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They will for 2022 if they dont pass BBB. BIF and no BBB and Im sitting it out for existing Congressional members and supporting a Biden primary in 2024.


How can he possibly believe that his obstructionism (which just so happens to line his pockets) is in the best interest of his working class constituents?

they could and they would be right to do so. trump independently came to the conclusion that medicare for all is a winner, $2k checks is a winner. but when the republican strategists figure out they can’t throw it in liberals’ faces as a “fuck you” to them, it’s politically dead for the base.

He thinks the inflation we have is the result of too much stimulus and more stimulus will just make it worse. Similar logic with related supply chain issues. Also believes in job creator/innovators narrative re: rich people.

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If your point is the GOP was never passing Romneycare then I disagree but I’m not sure it is relevant. I’m trying to discuss what the Dems should have passed with 60 Senators, the Presidency and a 75 seat majority in the house. It sure as shit isn’t the ACA or anything close.


Fair enough, but I asked for examples where he passes up his grift. The above is in line with what someone who makes $500k/yr from a coal mining company and who’s daughter makes millions just from jacking up the price of epi pens would say they believe