2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Well, the good news is that don’t need to worry about voter suppression because high turnout helping Ds was a myth and the Ds are a lock to lose to any non-Trump candidate in 2024 so should consider ourselves lucky if Trump runs and Rs are forced to try to rig it for him.

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No it happened because people were pushing back on the election of an incompetent racist buffoon to lead the country

The Dems messaging is just god awful. I read 80% of Americans know about Manchin and the troubles in the republican party over the reconciliation bill, but less than 35% know what’s even in the goddamn bill, which they overwhelming support! Who’s fault is that? No one but our Democratic leaders and the shitty MSM who refuse to fight for families and workers

all of this and it didn’t matter at all


Can i use this space to vent about my local party? Y’all won’t like it because of the players in the story and their leanings, but I really need to vent and I can’t do it on my public facing pages.

I am a voting member of the east county caucus of the county party, as a bit of background.

The City of La Mesa had a special election yesterday to replace Akilah Weber on their city council, the democrat who won a special election to state assembly when Dr. Shirley Weber (her mother) was appointed as CA’s Secretary of State to replace Alex Padilla.

There were 5 dems and 1 R running.

Dr. Shirley Weber and Assembly Member Akilah Weber endorsed a long-time city activist and member of the local Police oversight board, but who, by most measures we use here, could be considered more “moderate.” She is an older Black woman who doesn’t have a bunch of friends on the county party central committee, because our county party is now run by Young Dems. her website:

The county party decided to endorse a “more progressive”, younger candidate, splitting with the people/elected officials they supported for years. She is also a woman of color, an Afghan refugee, and by all accounts a wonderful person. This is her site:


I voted for the party to endorse Dillard because unlike most of our central committee, I actually live in east county and pay attention to trends. She got 3 other votes. Afshan got 32. 4 people who understand how politics works.

Also, there was literally zero work done by the party to try to convince the other people to drop out.

this is the result (Lothian is a republican):

LAURA LOTHIAN…,…,…3,102 39.18%
PATRICIA N. DILLARD…,1,651 20.85%
MEJGAN AFSHAN…,…,.1,499 18.93%

I cannot go public and say “i told you so” so I’m saying it here. This was a reliably D seat.


I don’t think this is always true. Bernie just came out with let’s at least include dental and vision in Medicare. While that’s not ideal, it gets the ball rolling for expansion better than nothing would imo

I feel like 2018 got memory-holed, but this take isn’t right at all. Town halls were getting overrun with angry voters, and it wasn’t because of Orange Man Bad campaigning, it was because because the Dems briefly tried campaigning on healthcare.

Pushing back on Trump being a racist buffoon is what Dems tried in 2016, and it was a colossal disaster. Voters don’t seem to care about that.

We are both right.

First, the party endorsed the wrong person.

Second, after they did, the right play would be to all line up behind Afshan.

(sounds like a republican strategy…guess what, it works)

Afshan made a huge mistake, too: she commented about Israel. Seriously…just don’t, dems. just don’t.

Why the hell do you not have instant runoff voting or at least top two runoff?

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vague shit works really well politically. obama voters had a wide range of what they thought “hope and change” meant, maybe that vague rhetoric is what we need to go back to

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What does this mean? What exactly was your reason for voting for her (policy-wise)? I don’t understand why people always insist on blaming the progressive wing for their losses. It looks like if Dillard voters got on board with Afshan she would’ve won


The ACA was passed in 2010. Now in 2021 the left-most member of congress is suggesting improvements.

I wholly agree with you about that. Not sure healthcare was the impetus tho. I was more siding with geewhysee that the dems need to represent the actual left wing of the party for once rather than cater to centrists and their corporate overlords

Let’s point all the blame for the loss at House progressives though, those bastards.


Didn’t the dems lose the house AND the senate in 2014? What happens if a progressive like Sanders were to have won a presidency since 2010?

That’s why it’s so important to use power when you have it because that won’t last forever and who knows when you’ll get it back.


This. And make sure the the things you use it on actually impact peoples lives in a positive way quickly. Do that and you might have some chance of holding onto power, or at the very least make it political suicide for the next regime to try and repeal it.

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You mean like NOW? As in why the fuck isn’t Biden being stronger in getting his own agenda passed instead of going down as a failed president?

Say what you will about Trump. He’d have brought Manchin to his knees! After around the 50th tweet on how his daughter should be in jail for illegal price fixing and his own massive self serving conflicts of interests he’d have caved


Yes, not doing anything with whatever power the Democrats have right now is an indispensible condition for their loss in Virginia. 50+1 Senate obviously isn’t sufficient to get a major healthcare overhaul but goddamnit do something that you can point to in your campaign other than “Trump=bad”.


Agreed. But that’s a party problem, not a progressive one. Not sure if that’s what she’s upset about?

I don’t understand. Why would you move them to the other D? The 3 lowest candidates got 21%. All I’m saying is, you can’t keep blaming voters for casting their ballots for policy choices they’re in favor of. As I stated above, I’m done voting based on people telling me, -well if you don’t, then the worst person wins-… Fuck that. From here on, I’m casting my ballot for policies I’m FOR and if that means a Republican wins my state’s senate seat in 2022 and/or Trump wins in 2024, so be it

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