2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

The ACA sucked though.

Yes, it was better than nothing, but it was a Heritage Foundation idea FFS.

If that’s the best Democrats can do with 60 senators, that’s just pathetic.

The ACA is a GOP policy that was watered down further to become a total giveaway to insurance companies. It’s not leftward movement on any axis.


Tell us how you feel about McAuliffe’s senior advisor Michael Halle and if he should ever be allowed to work on a campaign again?

Yeah but who gives a fuck? They aren’t going to be able to change anything on the ground. There is nobody flying the plane and the instruments have been sabotaged. The person pretending to be the pilot couldn’t possibly matter less.

Edit: I meant to reply to skydiver.

So it would be better to repeal and go back to the status quo?

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The ACA was a move leftward. It sucks less than what we had before.

That’s how progress works in this (fucked up) country. We pass something that sucks less than the last thing. It’s slow and messy, yes, but it’s progress.

Or I guess we could just pass nothing.


You can only run the “put us in power to do stuff” con on people so many times after getting elected and passing dogshit corporate welfare as your crowning achievement

Dems have had plenty of power, they’ve refused to use it except to do donors bidding and nuke progressives

fuck em


The Heritage Foundation is so far left. This is a perfect example of how Trump got elected. Anything the left hates the derposphere loves and anything the left proposes is communism.

No, but don’t expect to get anyone’s dick hard over this weak ass bullshit passed with a filibuster proof majority. It’s understandable that people choose the circus over the lecture if they’re not inclined by a process of acculturation to give a shit about “othered” people.

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Democrats think “digital ads” means “using Facebook to beg for money”

It annoys the fuck out of me. Make an actual ad then instead of spending millions for TV, just spend a few thousand on FB. Arghhhhh

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The GOP seems to disagree!

How does this turn into yachts for the consultants though?

Well if they only spend thousands on FB they save millions and can pay them more, ldo



Of course they do. Because they’re purely ID based reaction in party form. The Dems could reinstitute slavery, bring robert E lee back from the dead and make tuesdays into national kick a mexican in the face day (probably their 2028 platform right there) and the GOP would be against it. That’s why if the dems were an actual left wing party rather than a parasitic consultant class and a few hundred 90 year old narcissistic assholes they’d pass populist economic policies and watch the GOP destroy themselves railing against free money for regular people.


Yeah, no. The GOP spent enormous amounts of political capital trying to demonize and tear down the ACA only to have it blow up in their faces. The whole Blue Wave of 2018 happened because voters were really fucking worried about losing their healthcare.

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Nah, they can and will do it every time because it works just enough times.

As for me, I don’t know who in the Democratic party needs to hear this, but I’m done. Never again will I vote for the lesser of two evils. If that means Trump 2.0 and a mass of his surrogates, so be it. Bring on the carnage. If you can’t run candidates who’s policies I’m for, then you don’t get my vote. Period. Long way of saying, you’re right. Fuck em!


It’s progress that comes at the cost of not doing anything else for a long, long time. Passing nothing would have kept the pressure on congress to do something substantial about healthcare. It wasn’t going to be nothing forever.


Oh yeah pa and mi I think governor race is in 2022. They have the legislature so once they got the governor it’s over. They will do massive voter suppression and not certify a Dem.