2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Still 10% of all Federal judicial positions are vacant. 87 of 870. LOL DEMS. LOL BIDEN.

Well we wouldnā€™t want to trample any of our precious norms right? Who knows what might happen if we start doing that???

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Dissapointed thereā€™s no armed poll watcher at my location :cry:


How were the lines here in OKC?

This feels like the West Wing election when everything is weird and Josh loses his mind.

Long lines to register to vote in Ann Arbor, has to be good news.

Turnout in Philly seems strong and the most liberal precincts turning out the hardest.

But Dems getting walloped in in-person voting in VA, NV, FL.

My line at St Lukeā€™s is the longest Iā€™ve ever seen it. Still waiting.

ETA JK I left when I got inside and saw how much longer it was.

Maybe a good sign for that area of town. That precinct has to trend blue right? Semi-hopeful we can at least get rid of Stitt on this likely awful day.

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Well our house rep is a non binary Muslim. So.

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Thereā€™s talk that Philly turnout will pass 2018 and has a chance to hit 2020 levels. If so, Fetterman should win and Shapiro should crush.

wrong thread



Trying to figure out how to nap for next 24 hours before awakening to an improved hellscape.


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Donā€™t worry. We can expect a final ruling on this in 2037.


Half dozen benadryl

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Iā€™m not too worried about prop 3 or whitmer, but both are important obviously

Michigan students voting wonā€™t due anything for the house/senate.

Ugh, talk is that rural turnout in PA is through the roof too.

But how will I rage at the TV and piss my wife off by 9pm if I am not drunk?


will Democrats retain control of both chambers?

@discobot fortune

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