2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Behold what happens when you control all 3 levers of power and accomplish precisely zero in an entire year.

How is predictit only 90/10? It seems much worse than even that.

while you are right I also doubt that would’ve changed much assuming the rising prices/supply chain crunch/CRT shit is the same

Winning the GA Senate seats was the worst thing possible.

one dem area hasn’t come in yet, they still are printing votes obviously

People keep saying this and it keeps not being true. People blame the president for everything, full stop. They don’t get into tiny details like who controls Congress. We’d be accomplishing almost as little and still getting completely waxed by a wave of deplorables believing whatever fever dreams they came up with in their alternate reality.


Wasserman calls it.

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Maybe the reeductation camps will just be metaverse reeduction camps?


They’re smart enough to change strategy but pretty good chance they do it wrong because they listen to their experts who suck.

All eyes now turn to Stamford, CT to see if Bobby V can bring home the mayoral race.

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Trump riding a horse in a confederate uniform leading the republican army of northern virginia to victory over the racist Dems, just as kids will soon learn in highschool


so we just go from critical race theory to critical racists theory


I would not be surprised at all if it is more than 5. This is a bloodbath.

I had a bad feeling mostly because CRT. Glad I didn’t follow closely.

I need to start figuring out how I can completely not follow the 2022 and 2024 elections. Like I want to be 100% blissfully unaware.


I hate being in my bubble sometimes bloodbath R I didn’t see coming

but then I’d have to deal with those people and ehhhh no

like youngkin was the better candidate and tmac kinda sucked but R’s got a sweep here.

Must be nice to be apart of a team who knows how to win and actually tries.

Luckily 30 years as a WFT fan has trained me for this