2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

He’s not wrong.

It’s just not for the reason he thinks.


The BIF would have passed if Manchin/Sinema weren’t dragging this out.


Not looking good



vince carter this shit already

it’s ova

Youngkin was simply the better candidate and that made the difference in what shouldn’t have been that close in the first place really.

Lt.Gov is the real fun market on PI–I have no idea.

Watching returns as they come in is a horrible way to follow an election. Watching talking heads on national news networks is even dumber.

Oh good


Looks like Virginia is rejoining the south tonight.

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This just in: white folk be racist

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2022 and 2024 election nights are going to be dreadful.

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what a difference a year makes now I’m all well at least VA doesn’t have a senate race in 2022

at least we all got warned in advance this time

Biden won Virginia by more than Trump won Alaska for some context.

Being supportive of COVID restrictions is probably costing Dems votes among young people in college towns.

Looking forward to all the Confederate monuments going back up.

Yes but the sooner we get the inevitable over the better. Watching the end of Joe, Chuck and Nancy will be fulfilling even if it means we are all heading to the gulags.

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