2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

well I don’t have a model but I think it’d say Youngkin <1% right now :grimacing:

Is there a needle?



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no, cohn did say it’d be slight red though if there was a little while ago

This at least something real and tangible that Rs can use but it’s just the DOE bringing in a professor for a workshop to say to teachers “hey, here is clear evidence that you are punishing black students way more harshly for the same behavior, think about why you are doing that and stop.”

regardless of points of either of us in this convo–completely irrelevant, they believe otherwise and it unquestionably is getting people to vote republican

My preferred result is for McAuliffe to trail slightly, then surge ahead due to a late batch of mail/absentee votes, causing massive whining from Republicans and more hissy fits about stolen elections.


Claire fucking McCaskill on the “liberal” network.

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Nate has a model going


I guess there is a chance the early/mail vote breaks heavily D but this is not looking good.

low but reasonable chance of R gov/D lt gov

If you actually think mcauliffe has a shot, predictit has a bunch of free money for you.

I’d actually be happy with Youngkin winning if the resulting message was “Everyone attached to the Clintons should go away forever”.

But that’s not what the message is going to be. It’s going to be about progressive obstructionism and CRT.


Hey it looks like we’re all dinked.

Republicans are angry as hell and ready to be violent, Democratic politicians are largely mildly annoyed and wholly unwilling to fight, we are so utterly fucked in this country

Absolutely pointless.

Mark Warner: we are losing because the BIF didn’t pass

So fucking fucked, DIAGF

rip, score one for the baddies
