2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Just ban exit polls they are completely worthless

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Wait did Dems run on being anti critical race theory or something?

Stop the count


But if the trend continues with republicans making huge gains in 18-35 because conspiracy theories that is a big problem. Waiting for boomers to die off won’t even do anything lol

These early results seem decent.

G damnit

edit: sorry. Carry on


Good job proving Rs can easily fool centrists into blaming Ds for getting too aggressive on race. Critical Race Theory is an advanced class that like 0.01% of the population takes in Graduate School (so beyond college/undergrad). Never has been taught in a K-12 school and never will be.

A R operative literally just thought to himself those are scary sounding words to white people, let’s make up that Ds are indoctrinating our kids with it as a campaign issue:




fwiw, 2015 virginia department of ed literally says incorporate it

embrace critical race theory is also listed in there.

So they probably were.

Politics aside kids absolutely should learn that our all white founding fathers were massive pieces of shit.


everyone in politics is, even the ones you think aren’t

so there ain’t enough time to do anything else if you covered that

Beat site for updates?

Freudian slip?

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Never mind, we are fucked

We’re probably fucked still, but it seems like there is a lot of confusion on what type of votes are being reported so far. Mail/early vs eday. So I think there is a ton of noise being reported right now.


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right, they allowed mail to get reported early b/c of the OMG DEMS MAKING UP VOTES shit

so people now getting super confused based on which batch is getting dumped

The rural counties got even more Republican, the suburban counties got less blue, Democrats are going to lose.


Don’t think that’s clear at all yet