2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

sportsbooks don’t have good politics lines because everyone hammers the R because they’re all super trumpy (at least prior to the election)

Wouldn’t touch it now tho. We know R turnout is through the roof. D’s is high but high enough to hold on tbd. (I think so though but barely)

I cannot take another presidential election with Trump or a Trumper running. 2022 will be the sign if i need to start making plans.

The only way this doesn’t happen is if there is no election at all.

Yeah true. But if it’s Desantis I don’t think he wins. Trump is the only one that truly terrifies me for some reason. PTSD.

it’s clear that dems lose congress in 2022 if R’s turnout like this everywhere else. They’re as pissed off as dems were under trump.

Yeah it is a very bad sign for the future that the GOP is turning out like this without Trump on the ballot. It’s tribal and there is no way to stop it.

Correction: they’re more pissed off. All of their media is specifically designed to trigger their emotions and anger, and they’re less capable of maneuvering through the endless information to determine what’s actually true. I’d guess a way higher percentage of Republican voters view Biden as truly dangerous/evil/out to get them personally than Dem voters view Trump that way.


all media is for pure emotion at this point but your latter point of they are less capable to decipher information or for that matter, care is definitely true

That’s true to some extent, but I think Fox/Newsmax/OANN/Favebook are wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more keenly focused on riling up their viewers fear and anger than their “left” counterparts are. If you can even consider CNN/MSNBC as their counterparts.

They’re going to be super-pissed and turning out if there are vaccine mandates or the potential for vaccine mandates.

And they are going to be even more pissed if they turn out and still lose, which can certainly happen if Dems figure out how to make it so that people fear Republicans in general rather than just Trump. And if we win, we probably get a more violent resistance willing to up the stakes and do something worse than January 6 with better planning.

I have a critical race theory



I’m honestly pretty close to being in the camp that Democrats should be funding social media saying it’s all rigged and there is no reason to vote, or that they’re all sellouts and we need a true freedom third party or whatever. These people are legitimately mentally ill.

I also think it would be pretty easy to recruit people to run as fake Trumpy candidates and have them do a heel turn.

dunno about the latter, probably even worse than volunteering to be an election official

Problem with being a fake trumpy candidate is social media is forever. All your stuff ls takes would be on there. You could pull the ol Dems so bad I switched sides but if you have anti Trump comments you’re probably toast.

this doesn’t look good…

Exit polls look awful

Youngkin might win by like 8

We should start saying it was rigged.

Aren’t exit polls notoriously awful?

If this holds, we’re looking at a bloodbath.

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  1. it’s the economy stupid
  2. Take critical race theory throw it into the dumpster and never bring it up ever again

Virginia had Lee Jackson King Day until like 10 years ago so no surprise critical race theory wouldn’t fair well.