2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I assume this is informed by your experience with the recall.

Iā€™m not saying Dems should choose COVID as an issue. Iā€™m saying that the electorate has chosen for COVID to be the swing issue and Dems wonā€™t be able to make it less salient, so they need to lean into the parts of the issue that benefit them the most and try to turn out the people horrified by potential Herman Cain Award nominees.

Recall and congressional campaign.

Putting a state-designed ā€œstop the Republican recallā€ sign in my yard would have backfired where I live. Fortunately my county party was smart and had plain old ā€œno on recallā€ signs made.

We considered calling republicans with a recorded message about Darrell Issa making public comments supporting planned parenthood and a message that you donā€™t have to vote for the Dem, but how can you vote for this guy either, but we didnā€™t have the time or money.

turnout is high in some places dems needed (but maybe not some others) it seems

saw +145 for dems somewhere and couldnā€™t pull the max bet trigger sad

itā€™s not safe dem by any stretch though

I still would prefer actual policies to benefit people, but man they are screwed if the electorate chooses that and they arent passing actual policy. If they are forced into that strategy Id sign up right now for minus 60 seats and 52-48 R

I forgot what a Dave Wasserman was for 11ish (blissful?) months as I had seen enough.


if Dā€™s win (my guess is by 2) itā€™s annoying polls went from too far one way to immediately go too far the other way

Real human beings are too inconsistent for polls to be as accurate as you want them to be.

Criticism is misplaced as narratives from polls at time T affects voter sentiment, and actual votes, at time T+1.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the narrative at the end of this will be that these places didnā€™t break for mcauliffe nearly as hard as they needed to. There are lots of Youngkin voters in the suburbs.

donā€™t read predictit comments


My uninformed take on VA, itā€™s a blue state but McAuliffe comes across as a turd. Literally bottom 50% of a candidate compared to a random person. I think he probably loses because heā€™s a bad candidate and the media will spin it like dems are done for. (Which, TBF, they are, but not because McAuliffe loses in VA.)


Interesting that McAuliffe leading on predictit.


Hot take: predictit has lots of casualfan dem leaning educated professional types that skews the lines.

Bovada, which is super Trumpy, has Younkin a significant favorite. Iā€™m too lazy to do it, but its arbable.

This time a year ago we were all in fucking hell. I canā€™t go through that again. Iā€™ll go off the grid or something.

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I mean 2024 wonā€™t really matter. After 2022 weā€™re essentially locked into fascism when we lose one or both wings of congress until shit gets so bad we are somehow able to overcome GOP voter suppression and riggage. Might be better to get Trump and go the accelerationist route

fyi bovada has dem -145 right now.

Wow thatā€™s a big change from earlier today.
