2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I’m cancelling my NYT subscription at the end of this month’s billing cycle.

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dude the same thing was on the ballot in louisiana and keeping it PASSED

im in a poker game with a bunch of writers from there, lol, please dont


I had MSNBC on last night and dlk9s jr came into the room just as they were showing the Pennsylvania Senate results. He looked at the screen and said, “Man, that Fetterman guy looks HARD.”


they absolutely realize this

the problem is that going against trump is a guaranteed primary loss

better to win the primary and take a hit on your general chances than to get easily taken out in the primary

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What should we do with the midterm election threads?
  • Keep both election threads open
  • Lock hopium thread
  • Lock this thread

0 voters

lol, yea, they’re in a shitty relationship they cant get out of, it’s pretty funny to watch now

Need to redo the poll.


Taking STOP THE COUNT to new levels.

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odds fetty shows up to capitol hill on January 3rd in a hoodie?




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We’re spiking the football because we still have a shot at Senate control and a slight edge. It’s kind of like we’re down by 3, we’re inside field goal range, we just got a first down with 45 seconds left, and we spiked the football to stop the clock.

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Ah, so the devil-worshiping Horse Pagan citizens of Kentucky have voted to murder the innocent babies. What a world.

The leash is called: the primaries.

Stop the vote.

90%. He’s a flip to wear shorts. It’d be 90% to wear shorts but it’ll be cold.

What’s interesting about this is that ‘No’ on Amendment 1 is doing about a full percentage point better than Amendment 2, and that amendment would allow the state legislature–about 80% GOP controlled–to change the rules and call special sessions at their leisure which is a power that only the liberal cuck governor currently wields.

yr pony is on a leash