2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Trump claiming to be 174-9 now.

I figure Arizona will tighten just like 2020. How are the margins?

Ugh MSNBC. More Kornacki, less McCaskill and Psaki.

57-41 with 53% counted per NYT. Would think it’d take an all time comeback from the Rs (I assume you’re asking Senate)

Edit: 56-44 governor with similar votes counted so closer for R but still seems tough

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Lauren Boebert down 3% points with 82% reporting. Edited after bad info from twitter lol me.


Go checkout this thread. Your posts have been more on topic for it: Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread - #806 by jwax13


Where do you see 97% reporting?



Justin Verlander?

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EEk, meant 93%. Edit: gonna have to retract the post now - seems to be misinformation from twitter.

What’s a doubleheader?

Ask your Dad

Seems to be disputed, but the 97% now seems to be wrong.


Kevin McCarthy just called the house for the GOP.

It will be quite an embarrassment if redistricting in New York costs us the house.

McCarthy tempting fate.

Is there a news feed that doesnt cut to speeches? Theyre all horrible, even the people Im glad that won.

I think it’s when two chicks go down on you at the same time.

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