2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Oh yeah, it’s not my idea. I think I first read about it here.


Yeah. I think this approach is preferable to trying to just create new major cities out of whole cloth. I honestly wonder how many unbuilt locations there are in the country that could support a population the size of, like, San Francisco? Sure we have plenty of land, but water resources are stretched pretty thin as far as allocations of existing water supplies go, I believe. Maybe the article talks about this issue and I just missed it?

If Dems got onboard with this idea, they’d fuck it up by putting everything in Chicago.

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I must underestimate the true number of complete morons.


There are already a bunch of major cities all along those lakes.

the people answering this survey must be the same people that complain that $250k income in Chicago is barely middle class

Holy shit at those guesses, yeah WAAF


Woody Allen was right?

Those numbers are the average estimates. There must be people who think half the country are transgender jewish native Americans.

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Expand Sandusky between Toledo and Cleveland, Ashtabula northeast of Cleveland, Erie in Pennsylvania, and Dunkirk in New York between Erie and Buffalo. Figure out a way to have a city between Chicago and Toledo and you have a nice Midwestern corridor that can grow into a megalopolis with spurs to cities such as Detroit, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati.

Rust belt real estate would probably be a pretty good investment if you’re could wait 50+ years for it to pay off. People are going to have to go somewhere when the sun belt and gets rekt by climate change.

I can’t decide what’s more ridiculous, that people think 21% of American adults are transgender, or that 30% of American adults live in NYC.

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I can understand thinking 30% of America lives in NYC based on TV characters.

Well, because NYC is a Democrat Run Hellhole, there would be a lot of overlap there, what with all the unionized teachers turning good kids into transgender ANTIFAs.

Most ridiculous is only 3% being atheist

There are a lot of us who don’t believe in god and aren’t religious in any way who make a point of not identifying as atheist, because atheism is just another non-falsifiable belief system with annoying zealots.

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