2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I’m glad I was born in 1969 then. If I was any smarter I’d be a Bond villain.

… instead of a small time hood just trying to get over.

Always theorized that lead is part of why boomers are so stupid. They were slowly poisoned for their entire childhood.

But Roger Matthews, professor of criminology at the University of Kent, rejects that. He says biological criminologists completely miss the point.

“I don’t see the link,” he says. "If this causes some sort of effect, why should those effects be criminal?

"The things that push people into crime are very different kinds of phenomena, not in the nature of their brain tissue.

Oh my fucking God. You have to be highly educated to be this particular flavour of fucking stupid.

Literally everything every person has ever done or will ever do is ultimately “in the nature of their brain tissue”.

I suspect he’s saying that social issues like poverty and racism are more likely the cause than mental deficiencies being the cause.

But of course those social issues are the results of many brains working together to form the society we have today.

To be honest, biological criminologist sounds like a modern term for phrenologist to me.

What I said was a bit overboard in that of course context, including social context, is also a major determinant of how people behave. But that messing around with brain function can produce criminal behaviour is trivially true. For example, drunk people are more likely to commit violent crimes thanks to disinhibition.

We also know that, for example, people who experience violent treatment as children are more likely to be violent themselves as adults, even if they are placed in a totally different environment. This is due to subtle alterations in the way their brain functions. What else could it possibly be mediated by?

It will never not be amazing just how bad Global Times’ English-language propaganda is

The apple announcement today had my favourite all time environmental “brag”. When talking about the environmental footprint of their new Mac they said “it does not contain many harmful components”.

So it doesn’t contain neurotoxic venom?

Well not much of it.

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BRB, gonna set the entire East Coast on fire.

they may make it as far north as D.C. or even Delaware

Pretty big stretch to call that the entire East Coast.

Sigh, the sensationalist clickbait got me to click. Are those spiders going to be this year’s murder hornets?

pffffft u call that a giant spider


Dammit the only reason I tolerate the cold is because the terrifying creatures don’t tolerate it.

I thought we had an understanding to keep that shit in Australia.




Here’s an excellent 1:10 podcast about the Endurance expedition

…It makes me really sad that this anonymous podcaster seems to have gone dark, every one of his episodes are fantastic

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There is nothing I hate more than College Basketball and work events. Combine the 2 and oh god.

You hate the college tournament? That’s like a top 5 sporting event of the year. I don’t really care for college basketball and I never have, but I watch most of the tournament every year.