2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I don’t think we have a “Pontificate upon poor brand name choices” thread, but I found a poor brand name choice.


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Hard to say given professional vs amateur era. Also they had different roles (Warnes more difficult imo)

shes a real beautie pic.twitter.com/IAjmdl0KaU

— wint (@dril) March 6, 2022

Picked up a couple of 14K gold rings in an online auction 5+ years ago and thought about selling them now that the gold price is pushing $2000/oz. One of them is this chunky class ring from Cal State Hayward:

There’s a name etched on the inside of the band and I wasn’t sure I had the auction receipt anymore (I still have it!), so I googled the name and HOLY FUCK! He was the accountant for DC Solar and faked financial reports for a ponzi scheme that cost Warren Buffet $340 million and resulted in ~$1 billion in losses overall. Melt value is $735 atm and I’m thinking about keeping it as a conversation piece now.

I read the guy’s plea agreement and the statutory max for his crimes is 10 years, but the adjusted offense level gives him a range of 324-405 months. That said, the guy he plead guilty with last October just got sentenced to 3 years and his range was supposed to be 168 months on the low end according to his plea agreement. He’s on the hook for $481.3 million in restitution tho.

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How much did you buy it for?

30 rings for $800. I gave two gold and some sterling silver rings to my kids. Melt value on the two I kept is $1100, so I don’t feel too bad about the deal.

I guess, but how far was a guy named Ron Roach going to go anyway?

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Gee whiz can anyone think of something else they might want

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that same “reporter” has been churning out a stream of “why it’s good to stop working from home actually” pieces

I found a Yggy Takes Archive on Twitter and man, this guy really is an even bigger jizznut than I thought he was.


Eating pinsa for the first time. Didn’t even know it existed until an hour ago.

Good stuff.

This may have been posted already but wow this is brutal gambling strategy.

And fucking Tibet? Tibet isn’t even a goddamn country. You could at least pick a country as your answer.

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I guessed Iran just based on how big it is. the caspian sea is kind of a weird blind spot for me geographically, everything between the black sea and china is all a big smear in my mind

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I can understand being uncertain about the Caspian. I can’t understand not being able to narrow it down to one of the only two reasonable guesses on the Persian Gulf.

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On whose part? The winner was the only one who made a dumb wager. Or maybe he just wanted to be able to say he won with $1.

he was a returning champion tho

Why? The other two wagers were far worse.

If you’re answering “Azerbaijan” or “LOL Tibet” to that question, your Asian geography knowledge sucks and you should have bet $0 and hoped that the other person failed.

I guess. I’d rather lose the way they did than lose because I chickened out on a clue that turned out to be easy, though. Second place pays the same either way.

I felt bad for LOL TIBET lady in the moment, she clearly panicked.

Tibet? How does one get on Jeopardy with essentially zero geography knowledge? I didn’t think that was possible.