2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

but how can one person have enough money for all those employees, if even the government cannot afford this socialism?

It’s a write-off!

At least I think so. The students will have to pay taxes on amounts above $10k/yr. or so, IIRC.

I played it back like 5 times and I can’t understand what he said.

What does he say immediately after “24 million dollar a year company”? I just need the next 10 words.

“while it’s out a $64 million-a-year-company.”

OK, and what company is that?

That company would leave because of the housing project?

He’s talking about his company that is planning on building a restaurant and comedy club.

LOL wat. His company makes 64 million dollars a year? Seems sus.


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Who has Chapelle as a fuckhead NIMBYer?

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He’s been rich a long time now.

Sad to see him turn into Clayton Bigsby, the cycle is complete I guess.

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Funny remembering Chappelle did a comedy skit on his show with the ABSURD premise of what would it be like if a black man were president of the United States like 2 years before Obama.

Seems that there’s more to Chappelle being against this. He has beef with the developer coming in because they’re apparently quite shady.

He’s also been developing property in Yellow Springs and probably doesn’t want them cutting in.

That said, the dude is a total egomaniac. Like a black Jerry Seinfeld.

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I don’t doubt it. Approximately 100% of real estate developers are shady. But the “I’ll quit and take my ball home if you don’t play my way” approach is not a good sign that you have the moral high ground.

Unless hes developing an affordable housing project and plans to run it ethically, he can fuck right off


And isn’t the development still going ahead, just without the affordable housing component?

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Yup. According to other people in YS, he was against the entire development not just the affordable housing part. However, the meeting was only about the affordable housing part.

Anyway, he’s done little to live up to the civil rights activists his family line has in it. They’d probably see him as more of an Uncle Tom than anything else.

I guess we’ll find out the whole story with his next comedy special.

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So pathetic


I ain’t watching it. The Closer sucked.

Once we got a huge ego, he became less funny.