2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

What about some kind of cool new gun at least?


Using data from the 1860 census, nationally representative survey data from more than 3.5 million Americans, and records of every death in the U.S. from 1996 to 2016, we found that the higher the rate of enslavement in a county in 1860 — i.e., where nascent Black political power was more threatening to post-Civil War white elites — the higher the rate of gun ownership today.

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I’ve been reading a lot about the history of louisiana and I guess reconstruction era revolts broke out heavily in places like New Orleans more than other places in the south, due to LA not seeing much fighting in the war and were far less war-weary than their southern neighbors, thought that was kind of funny

I’ve played poker with him many times. Great guy.

He use to lead my favourite rock/punk band in the 90s when I was in university. They were called The Smalls.

He changed from that to county in the 2000s.

Looks like I didn’t win $1.6b. Lotto up to $1.9b!

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im due

A question I like to ask patients:

“Say you won $1,000,000 (or for large wage earners, 20x your annual gross). A nice score, but not enough to be rich. What would you do? Would you just stop working, and maintain a modest lifestyle? Or would you keep working, but just have a shitload of money in the bank to play with?”

What would people here do?

With $1 million I would buy 1/3 of a house in Toronto and enslave myself to a bank for the other 2/3.


move to somewhere cheap play wow 16 hours a day until my maladies kill me

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I readjusted my question for larger wage earners :grinning:

If I won 20x take home pay I would retire or severely cut back my working hours



This a joke, right?

Probably buy whatever I feel like and stop saving money outta my paycheck

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You could convince me to stop working for like $500 and free meals at Arby’s.


I’d probably keep working for a few more years mainly because I don’t like making rash financial decisions. If nothing else, I’d want a year or two to just see how much cash flow the $1 million is actually generating. I feel like eating into principal too hard too early would be the biggest potential pitfall, so I’d want to take some time to figure out my asset allocation and see it in action.

