2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Ah, migos

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Huge Migos fan, that sucks :sleepy:

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dlk9s jr dressed as Walter White for Halloween (Heisenberg version - pork pie hat, etc.). He wore the costume to school and for trick-or-treating. We got an e-mail from school last week with costume guidelines, namely that they had to be “middle school appropriate.” I was a little worried that being a violent TV drug dealer might not fit those guidelines, but he came home and said the principal saw him in the hall and loved it. His backup plan was to just say that he was dressed as himself when he gets older.

Also, he told his science teacher that he should be teaching the class, even if he is over-qualified.





Middle school appropriate means they just don’t want the girls showing up in lingerie, i came from a school w really strict dress code and that was basically always what it boiled down to, keeping girls from being too “slutty” but no matter what you told them they’d find ways to dress how they wanted to

Love migos w salsa.





They previously only gave you limited access to some music before.

The next Queen’s Gambit

Vegas Knights finally getting a release


Remember that winter storm in feb 2021? Oklahoma is going to be paying for the price gouging for over 2 decades. Naked corruption.

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I have a suggestion for the theme music.







oh my god

I’m laughing my ass off and my wife (who knows better) is like “what’s so funny” so I show her and I she broke the sarcasm meter with “oh my GOD that’s SO FUNNY”


Oath Keepers spent over $400 at post-US Capitol riot feast at the Olive Garden, prosecutors say


Been a brutal few days at work for a few reasons, but got a big boost.

Still fairly new at my job comparatively, but have gotten to know most people. Got a patient with chest pain. His ekg was fucked up, but not in a way that definitively proved he was having a heart attack. He was this Mexican farmer though who, despite having insurance, hadn’t seen a doctor for 6 years. He came in right away after having pain for 30 minutes.

When you go to a hospital with chest pain, they do an ekg to look for a specific pattern called a STEMI that justifies immediate treatment where they open up your coronary arteries. There’s a big debate over if that pattern is enough (it’s not). One of the issues is that the STEMI pattern can take awhile to happen.

So I the guys ekg sets off alarm bells for me because it has big acute t waves with reciprocal t wave depressions. It’s not enough to call a stemi but I put him in a resuscitation room. I leave him connected to an ekg machine and get a repeat ekg. I get another ekg in 20 minutes. It’s progressing to the STEMI pattern in morphology but doesn’t meet criteria.

Call the cardiologist, he notes that it doesn’t meet criteria. I agree but say this guy looks like shit and I think the EKGs are progressing towards a STEMI. Cardiologist basically says “well, I remember is having a similar case before and you were right then, I’ll take your word for it”.

Last ekg before he goes to the cath lab shows a stemi. He was going upstairs before the ekg was uploaded to the EMR

Guy has a complete blockage in his LAD, opened up and home a little bit later with normal heart function.

Felt good on a lot of levels there. Things are shit right now. Tired of so many sick kids. Hurts more when you have one.