2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Nah terrified by the idea tbh. Seen way too many overdoses, seems like everything has fentanyl in it

Shrooms ftw.

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It’s a pretty accurate representation of black history in america. Any time black people get the first inkling of social mobility white people bomb the shit out of them.


Oh cool, Rudy is already getting the Sean Spicer whitewashing treatment from network TV. This fucking country.

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I’d say yes. Any of the networks would have done the same thing.

This is psychotic

They might be trying to prevent typos. I’ve made the opposite mistake (tipping $1 when I meant to tip $10) so I could see that if someone accidentally keys in $100 instead of $10 that might be something where we’d want to app to intervene.


How about “are you sure” instead of “WHOA WHOA WHOA”


I wonder if people try to use it for money laundering? Like, tipping delivery guys $50K for your chipotle

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Or buying drugs or sex.

I’d like a baconator value meal with a chocolate frosty, and a quick handy from the delivery guy please.


Lousy Smarch weather.

FYI email visible in left tab, crop that screenshot


To conceal the source by channeling through an intermediary… To conceal…

I guess it kinda works in principle if the delivery driver is the one laundering the money and you’re the intermediary. He gives you his dirty cash from slinging dime bags on the street corner, you keep your cut and give him the rest of the $50 as a tip. Can’t really see this method scaling up to Breaking Bad amounts.

I must admit, I didn’t really think it through all that thoroughly.

Didn’t one of the early series already have his kid raising money for him on the internet and he had Saul wash like 50k+ through that? I vaguely remember something like that, but it’s been ages since I watched it.

Yeah I recall something like that. Other than eat breakfast, that’s all he did.


Don’t you need the money laundered before you use the app?