2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


never gonna pay this back ever

The combined wealth of the 10 richest americans is ~$1.1tn so …

The annual pension payroll of Social Security is also about a trillion per year. If we just executed 65 million useless old people then the debt could be eliminated in just 3 decades, that’s what the call a win-win situation.

Got something headed our way for tomorrow.

This is a moderate class, “low hazard” geomagnetic storm, a type of event that could spark hours of auroras from the Arctic Circle into northern United States and as far south as New York. These types of events do not interfere with power grids or satellites.

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Hello doctor I’m stuck in a hole too. Will pm you the address so bring the ketamine


The documentary on DisneyPlus about this rescue is excellent.

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You’re just going to end up in a different hole.

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Ketamine is actually my go to sedation drug, especially in kids. Use it all the time.

Once walked out of the hospital with 500mg in my pocket after a trauma resuscitation. Realized it in the parking lot and came right back lol


Time to admit some bad shit.

I was seeing this older asian nurse. I had just gone through a horrible break up so she snuck out some drugs for us to do lol.

She never got caught so go for it


This sounds like a good time.

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Oh it was. She was the coolest and smartest girl I’ve ever been with. It was so much fun and the sex was great.

Age difference was just too much. I was like 28 and I never knew her age but I’m guessing 50s. I had to end it.

She had a kid that was like 20. One the I spent the night and he showed up banging on the door and screaming.

When I think about it I have so many crazy stories. Life is wild when you put it into perspective


Thanks Biden

nurses have direct access to meds. I don’t. :frowning:

also risk>>>reward for me

America is healing. We’re back to brawling in Golden Corrals and Waffle Houses just like the before times.


Deplorables are brawling at Golden Corral. Here’s why that’s bad for Joe Biden.


Watch the video. The masks caused the brawl because reasons. This is all Fauci’s fault!

you can pretty much do whatever you want but if you’re fucking with the people’s food then the natives start thinking things like overturning the entire gov’t

well more of them I mean


You don’t really experiment with any drugs anyways right?