2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

This was slightly less fun than I thought it’d be, but was OK. Was presented with five SUVs and had to rate each of them in a bunch of different ways. Got somewhat tedious, for each car it was like “Stand on the marker for #1. Do you like the way the car looks? Now stand on #2, what about now?” They also made me enter and exit each SUV’s third row. I’m a big guy so that wasn’t super fun for several of them. Then I had to do a whole pricing test thing which was annoying. But it only took about 90 minutes. And, based on my answers they put me into another focus group, so I’m getting another $300 for another 90 minutes on Wednesday!


This is actually pretty interesting. I guess they use this to inform what angle to show the car in commercials?

Maybe, but I got the idea it was more about getting as good of a sense of how much you liked each car as possible, what you liked/didn’t like etc. It became clear that one of the automakers was behind the research, which is how I ended up in the secondary study - the sponsoring automaker’s car was my favorite.

Did you realize this early on, and game your answers, or were your responses genuine?


I did realize it early on - it seemed like we were comparing current models of four automakers against the future model of one, but my answers were genuine. I had no idea there would be a secondary panel, or the criteria they’d be using to choose.

funny thing i used to see when I used to work in transportation was seeing a car that was all wrapped up because it was a model being transported that hadn’t been released yet, but you could clearly see the mercedes logo underneath the wrap, over what was very obviously a mercedes



Hm, “a person who is not transgender dress up as a transgender person” I assume they mean that literally, like dressing as a historical figure who was transgender, and not just dressing as the opposite sex. Otherwise my Elsa costume from back in the day is not going to age well.

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How does one dressed as a trans person?


A couple going as before-and-after Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner?

Ya this is just confusion between trans and cross dressing.

How did you sign up for this? I’m interested in trying.

I could see one version where someone maybe wanted to be a character that was played by a transgender individual. For example, a few years back I knew some people who went as a squad of characters from Orange is the New Black. A cis black woman portrayed the Laverne Cox character in the group.

There is also another version where a cis guy just throws on a dress and spends all night “joking” about using the womens’ locker room or joining the swim team.

I got invited. I thought it was because I had participated in this kind of thing before, but I now believe/know that I qualified based on what I drive now, I think they started with that criteria.

I had to talk my (white) friend down from wearing blackface to go as Mr. T one year and to this day I’m still not sure if he was just trolling me or not.

also: A+ couples’ costume right here you you history nerds:


My parents had a gourd and pumpkin on the stoop so now they’ve got this. No idea what it’s supposed to be!


Penguin O’Lantern?



Sad ET. Trying to phone home.

Ha yeah something like that! A baby dinosaur maybe? With a nice hat.

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