2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Those class action sites are always so terribly designed.

You’re probably getting like $5 from it. It’s the lawyers that always make a killing from them not the victims.

Supposedly it’s $25 or $100 - I didn’t dig in to see why there are two choices or which I qualify for. Or I can claim lost wages and pain and suffering or something and go for my own dollar amount.

I took a quick look and it seems like the $25 is for folks who were outside of Cali during the relevant time and the $100 is for Cali residents. Not sure why the two groups exist, but my hunch is that there’s some CA state law that authorizes greater damages for data breaches.

When was the relevant time? I have always been on t-mo, and I was in California for a while. Or if I didn’t get the spam text, did I dodge the hack?

I just got like $220 from a noom class action settlement.

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One Benji and Hamilton per titty

I did this a while ago and chose the free credit monitoring iirc

A to question 7:
“you may submit a claim for an Alternative Cash Payment of $25, or $100 if you resided in California on August 1, 2021.”

A to question 5:

"You are a Settlement Class Member if you are among the approximately 76 million U.S. residents identified by T-Mobile whose information was compromised in the T-Mobile Data Breach. Identified Class Members were notified of the proposed Settlement, so if you received a notice, you are a likely member of the Settlement Class.

You can also confirm you are a Settlement Class Member, and eligible for benefits, by:

Contacting the Settlement Administrator on this website; orcalling 1-833-512-2314"

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This Lara Logan situation is absolutely bananas. How does this happen. The human brain is just really fragile I guess.


looks like MIA also was all in on pizzagate, who could have seen this coming


Had to look up who MIA is.

Don’t care.

This is fascinating. I’m not sure how real it this phenomenon is, but I also think about the idea that the way mental illness expresses itself depends on the cultural context. On the part of a lot of society, there is a hunger to find people exhibiting vile behavior so that they can be held up as objects of hatred. In the right wing swamps, there’s a hunger to find people exhibiting vile behavior so that they can be held up as objects of hatred and people can adopt trolly anti-anti-vile-behavior poses. Well, it turns out that if you are desperate to find people who will do things that are wildly outside the bounds of socially acceptable behavior and carry disastrous reputational consequences, the ones most likely to take that bargain are mentally ill. (Obviously subtweeting literally every Kanye take other than “that dude is obviously having a breakdown and it’s repulsive to trot him out on media outlets to perform his vile behavior for the biggest audience possible” here.)

With Q stuff, it’s tricky, because it’s genuinely significant that mentally disturbed people are banding together and doing reverse group-therapy where they make themselves more deluded and dangerous than they otherwise were. But I think a lot of people found out about the reverse group-therapy sessions because of titillating reporting in the “you’ll never believe what these sickos are talking about” vein.

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I’ve often heard that the salve trade is quite lucrative. Oh well, I was born a tincture guy, I’ll stay a tincture guy.


Early voting is the shit. In and out in less than 5 minutes.




Dem-run cities: dangerous for white men for 100 years and counting.


Not sure if you’re aware of this. I cut her a bit of slack because of what happened to her. I remember her being relatively normal prior to the incident in Egypt (but I could be remembering wrong):

Obviously something like that can really fuck up your brain in unexpected ways.

The dude’s name was “Fred Austria”?


Not sure if guys named “Oesterreich” qualified as legit Americans back then.

Jesus. I had no idea.