2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

god nurse killers scare me - I feel like it’s way more common than gets found out

Remember one story about a nurse in NJ just offing old people by pumping them full of some meds. Got away with it for a long time too.

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This country is hopeless


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ya kind of a creepy nurse friend of mine was explaining how easy it would be for her and i got really creeped out and ever since i get kinda nervous when im in a hospital, lol, dont know whether she was full of shit but it sounded plausible to me

You can rest easy knowing that everyone else can kill you just as easily as any nurse, if you think about it.

You’re welcome.


the nurse thing scares me more, because if someone tried to kill me I feel I’d have time to at least try to flee or defend myself, in a hospital you’re usually completely incapacitated



also don’t forget to check the inside of your tires, if you’re buying new tires. we’ve seen drugs smuggled inside tires as well


Also I stubbed my toe earlier today so parents should double check their Halloween candy in case anybody put something in there that they could stub their toe on which is definitely a thing that might happen.

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How the fuck is anyone supposed to know if this is legit?

And here’s the website:

Yes let me give you my Zelle info. I’ve heard such good things.

The truly scary thing is I think it actually is legit. But somehow normal people are supposed to tell this apart from a scam.

never ever putting any info like that into a form like that from a text


Right, which is why you should always go straight to the website itself to be safe: https://t-mobilesettlement.com Seems legit!

Oh wait, let me google “T-mobile settlement websites” - I’m sure those results will all be above board.

The only reason I think it’s legit is because the English isn’t mangled. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a copy of a legit website.

But to be 100% sure you literally have to spend like 30 minutes looking up law firms and who handled what and trying to find a link to https://t-mobilesettlement.com from a known legit site. Awesome system we have.

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This is grim stuff.

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That’s Equifax. I was in that one too. This is T-Mobile.

Just pointing out a trend and I think the uncertainty is by design.

New Facebook boomer movie just dropped

Yeah I thought that. But also law firms are so old school about technology. Who knows.



Wtf. I can’t tell if that’s legit or parody.