2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I’m assuming everybody knows about Jimmy Carter getting attacked by a rabbit, but just in case


He once prevented a nuclear meltdown in Canada.


At the time of the East Timor conflict one of the volleyball players I knew in my league was an exec at a tech company which IPO’d. He was pretty unremarkable. The value of his shares at IPO was slightly more than the GDP of East Timor.

This was one of my first clues that something isn’t quite right in the world.


Just FYI he’s probably seen the entire inside of your house now, too. If you have someone’s full name and the city they live in, it’s pretty easy to find their address, get pictures of the inside and outside of their house, find their full resume, their political party registration, and their court records… and that’s if they have pretty locked down social media or none at all.


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So the monkeys were on the way to a lab, and the CDC is now involved.


That’s not that far from me. Please, God, don’t let me go by way of diseased monkey.

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Authorities were instructed to secure the area for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Pennsylvania Department of Health, she said.

Asked if the missing monkeys had any health issues, the trooper said it wasn’t clear.

“We’re asking everyone to stay to stay away from the monkeys,” Pelachick said. “If they see one, call 911 immediately and get away from the monkey.”

This could be a situation where “they’re more afraid of you” just isn’t true.

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I doubt small monkeys will last very long when there’s snow on the ground.

I’ve got an N95 and a 2-iron, and I’m not afraid to use them.


You wouldn’t think, but I assume they’re rhesus macaques, and they can survive temperatures as low as -4 Fahrenheit according to Google. It’s supposed to get down to 2 degrees there tonight, so it could be close. They survive the cold by huddling in large groups, though, so three or four probably won’t cut it and they’ll be out and about looking for some cuddling partners.

Of course depending on what diseases they are carrying, dying and being eaten by some other animal might not be a great outcome for any of the involved parties.

Yeah, that’s me. A lot of good it does.

But these are mutant monkeys from a CDC lap. I’ve seen this movie before.


How do we know they didn‘t escape from a nearby wet market?


If the monkeys can take this world from us they deserve to. I’m rooting for the monkeys honestly. Humans are trash.

Thread re: Penn I found interesting:



Are the monkeys bigger or smaller than the average 5 year old kid?

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I saw a clip of Bari Weiss on Bill Maher shared by Clay Travis today.

I’m pretty bad at the internet but even I didn’t even consider watching or in any way engaging.


I’m blocked by clay travis, fuck that guy