2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I was on a train in Adelaide once when it hit someone. Driver came back through the carriage I was in after. Looked pretty shaken. Old lady, unclear if accident or suicide. I occasionally thought about the driver for weeks after, just thinking that has to be rough.

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I’m in Brisbane visiting my sister and it’s just… Like it’s not BAD but “gotta hand it to Brisbane, they do X better than any other Australian city” is not true for any X. Not even racism and they really tried at that. I’ve always thought Houston is the US equivalent of this, but I’ve never been there for exactly that reason.

In a large enough dataset really bizarre random things should be expected to happen all the time. Still a cool story though.

Friend of mine made a pretty good point.

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Bah in comments it’s fake and the real tweet is in quotes and attributed to Shirley Dobson. Wish people wouldnt post fakes, so annoying.

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It seems like basically any time there is intense scrutiny of a murder conviction there are tons of police and prosecutor errors or lies, no matter how guilty the defendant. Withholding exculpatory evidence is something you learn not to do like 2 weeks into law school.

they’re legally required to at most crossings, even if there’s nobody there. if you walk down the railroad you see little signs (I think they vary by railroad, but a lot of them are just a small black “W” on a white sign) as you approach a crossing telling the engineer where they need to start blasting the horn (the “W” is for “whistle”).


I was on a train into Chicago trying to catch a baseball game when we hit someone, we sat there for about 2.5 hours while they did the cleanup/investigation. Just a high schooler with headphones on, devastating.

There are always going to be prosecutor discovery errors in any case when you are dealing with voluminous discovery. This is especially true at the state level where the prosecutors are frequently under-resourced and overworked. There is, of course, a huge difference between an intentional withholding of exculpatory evidence, and an accidental technical discovery violation. The former is very bad, the latter happens in probably every complex case, and every murder case.

There are no at-grade crossings anywhere in my city, but the trains are always laying on the horn because there are always people on the tracks. It’s one of the more popular spots for encampments, although one property owner just clear cut about 5 acres to drive them out. Dude could have at least left a couple trees here and there, but he went scorched earth. God forbid if people sleep on completely unused wooded property which isn’t even visible from anywhere.

I think I’m going to go as Ash Williams from Evil Dead for my friends Halloween party. What do you call the black straps around his chest?

It’s a shotgun harness.

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Tactical bra

I believe the formal term is “manziere”

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No, those look different.

This seems excruciating. I guess I’m lucky that I don’t know the stigma of being below average height, but it seems hardly worth it.

Fwiw you would get an equivalent result without the pain by instead taking three inches off the femur of anyone shorter than you. Don’t tell Bezos this.


Feels like this is the perfect business to take advantage of the increase in toxic masculinity that seems to have happened over the last few years, and the clientele they mention in the article (crypto bros, CFOs, dudes trying to pick up more women at the club) seems to confirm that.

“Women don’t like me because I’m short” or maybe it’s because you’re an asshole.

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